A New Podcast Asks: What the Hell Happened This Year?

How do you sum up a year like 2018? Vogue’s culture desk takes on the tough topics.

How do you sum up a year like 2018? It’s a question that’s been on a lot of our minds here at Vogue as we approach the dawn of a new year and the close of this one. It’s clear that the year’s biggest stories were those that held the greatest sway over our lives and our futures: How will we stride forward into the future and protect the increasingly imperiled planet? How will we continue to handle the repercussions of generations of gender bias, misconduct, and abuse across our culture? And really, how are we going to find the time to watch all of the very good TV out there?! (Kidding, kidding . . . kind of.)

Vogue’s culture editor, Alessandra Codinha, sat down with writers Michelle Ruiz and Bridget Read in the Condé Nast podcast studio to talk about all of the big takeaways from 2018, from how we should all wrap our heads around the biggest existential threat facing humanity (climate change)—and how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Green New Deal plan to—to what MeToo looks like more than a year later and why we need to talk to men about it. And then there was Vanderpump Rules, the question of whether a “perfect” reality show really exists, and whether or not we should all go watch Mrs. Maisel. (Our vote: Yes!) Listen along below.

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