Is Pneumonia Contagious?

The contagiousness window depends on the type of pneumonia

Medically reviewed by Chris Vincent, MD

There are several types of pneumonia, but not all of them are contagious. Pneumonia is contagious when viruses or bacteria are responsible for the infection. However, fungal pneumonia and aspiration pneumonia (caused by inhaling food or an object into the airways) are not passed on from person to person.

Which types of pneumonia are contagious?

Contagious pneumonia can affect one or both lungs and cause inflammation (swelling) that can lead to serious complications, especially in certain individuals like those under age 5 or over age 65.

This article walks you through the various types of pneumonia. It will explain which types are contagious and which are not and how to prevent spreading and catching the contagious forms of the illness.

<p>Verywell / Theresa Chiechi</p>

Verywell / Theresa Chiechi

Learn More: Causes and Risk Factors of Pneumonia

How You Catch Pneumonia

Like many other illnesses, contagious forms of pneumonia are spread by coughing and sneezing, which releases germs into the air.

It’s also possible to catch the illness by touching something like a counter or door handle, sharing cups and utensils, and touching your face without washing your hands first.

While anyone can catch contagious forms of pneumonia, some people are more likely to come down with the illness when they come into contact with the germs.

Groups at Risk

Pneumonia can be acquired at any age, but the following groups are most likely to experience severe cases:

  • Children less than 2 years old

  • Adults more than 65 years old

  • People who are immunocompromised

  • Those who suffer from heart and lung conditions, including asthma

  • People who smoke

  • People with diabetes

Types of Pneumonia: Contagious or Not?

The contagiousness of pneumonia depends on what the cause is. Here's what to know about the different types.

Viral Pneumonia

Viral pneumonia is a potential complication of a virus. Some of the viruses that can lead to pneumonia include the flu virus, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). It is spread when an infected person sneezes or coughs, or leaves germs on a doorknob or other surface.

Viral pneumonia makes up about one-third of all pneumonia diagnoses each year. Once symptoms (such as fever) subside, a person is no longer contagious.

Bacterial Pneumonia

Bacterial pneumonia is spread from person to person by coughing, sneezing, and close contact in general.

One of the most common strains known for causing bacterial pneumonia is called Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus. This type of pneumonia can spread to another person before the first person starts showing symptoms, in fact. These bacteria can affect anywhere from a small portion of one lung to widespread areas in both lungs.

Depending on the strain of bacteria causing pneumonia, you may be contagious anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, even after starting treatment with antibiotics.

Along with pneumonia, this bacteria can cause:

Walking Pneumonia

Walking pneumonia is a type of bacterial pneumonia. It comes from the bacteria named Mycoplasma pneumoniae. It is called walking pneumonia because, in some cases, symptoms can be mild enough that a person can still go about their normal day-to-day activities.

Walking pneumonia is most common in those less than 40 years of age who live and work in crowded quarters. Being in close quarters is one reason it’s so easy for school children to catch walking pneumonia.

The incubation period is generally between one to four weeks. Someone with walking pneumonia can be contagious for a couple of weeks, even after starting treatment.

While the symptoms may vary from person to person, typically those with walking pneumonia will have:

  • Cold-like symptoms

  • A low-grade fever

  • Cough

Related: Walking Pneumonia vs. Pneumonia: What Are the Differences?

Fungal Pneumonia

You can get fungal pneumonia from breathing in fungal spores that are often found in soil and, occasionally, bird droppings. While these fungal spores may cause pneumonia quickly, in some people, the illness lies dormant for months, years, or even decades. Yet others will get sick reasonably quickly.

A typical example of fungal pneumonia that can remain dormant is Valley fever. A majority of residents in the southwestern United States will be exposed to the fungal spores that cause Valley Fever at some point. Some people are exposed and never get sick.

Fungal forms of pneumonia are not contagious and mainly affect people with compromised immune systems.


Aspiration pneumonia is a type of pneumonia caused by inhaling food, liquid, vomit, or a physical item into the lungs. Sometimes a bacterial infection can take hold although this type of infection is not contagious.

Aspiration pneumonia typically affects people with a neurological problem that makes swallowing difficult—such as a stroke, brain injury, or other type of neurological disease. People under general anesthesia or who use heavy amounts of drugs or alcohol are also at risk for developing aspiration pneumonia.

How to Avoid Getting Infectious Pneumonia

In addition to taking steps to stop the spread of the illness once you're infected, there are things you can do to prevent yourself from getting pneumonia in the first place. These recommendations are similar to the techniques you might use to avoid getting the flu.

Learn More: Tips for Preventing Colds and the Flu

Cover Your Mouth and Nose

While the preferred method for covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze is into a tissue, not everyone can get to tissues in time when the urge to cough or sneeze hits. If you have the urge to cough or sneeze—and a tissue isn’t available—the next best thing is to cover your mouth or nose with the inside of your elbow.

Coughing or sneezing into your elbow will decrease the chances that mucus, saliva, or infected traces of your infection are left on door handles, faucets, or anything else you touch.

Wash Your Hands

Regardless of whether you’re sick or healthy, washing your hands with soap and water is often good for your health. When you’re ill and wash your hands, you’re reducing the number of germs you can spread. When you’re healthy and washing your hands, you reduce the chance of introducing dangerous germs to your body.

Learn More: Everything to Know About Washing Your Hands

Limit Contact With Others

If you are ill or recovering from pneumonia, limit your contact with others. If you're healthy, avoid being near people infected with pneumonia.

As we learned during the COVID-19 pandemic—which can cause viral pneumonia—staying at least six feet away from others reduces the amount of viral or bacterial content you're exposed to as you breathe or talk.

Get Vaccinated

Currently, four pneumonia vaccines are available in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends children younger than 2 years, adults older than 65 years, and anyone of any age who is immunocompromised or struggles with certain chronic health conditions receive one of these vaccines.

There are two types of pneumococcal vaccines available:

  • Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV15 and PCV20)

  • Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23)

CDC's Pneumococcal Vaccine Recommendations

PCV15 (Vaxneuvance) or PCV20 (Prevnar 20)—which protect against 15 and 20 types of bacterial pneumonia, respectively—is recommended for:

  • Children younger than 2 years old—as a four-part series. They should receive this vaccine at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and 12–15 months old.

  • Children ages 2 to 18 years with certain medical conditions

  • Adults 65 years or older

  • Adults ages 19 to 64 years with certain risk factors or medical conditions

PPSV23 (Pneumovax23), which is effective against 23 types of bacterial pneumonia, is recommended for:

  • Children ages 2 to 18 years with certain medical conditions

  • Adults 19 years and older who get PCV15 or PCV13.

Any adult who previously received only the older PCV13 vaccination should get a dose of PPSV23 or PCV20.

Learn More: Do You Need the Pneumonia Vaccine?


There are several types of pneumonia—viral, bacterial, walking, fungal, and aspiration pneumonia—but only viral, bacterial, and walking forms are contagious.

You can reduce your chances of getting pneumonia by avoiding those who are sick and remembering to practice good hand hygiene.

While pneumonia is often easily treatable with at-home care, in certain situations, a delay in seeking professional help can cause serious complications or even be fatal.

Related: Complications of Pneumonia

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

Pneumonia symptoms vary by age group but tend to include fever, cough, restlessness, fatigue, aches, shortness of breath, vomiting, bluish tint on lips or skin, chest pain, and headaches.

How long does pneumonia last?

Many people recover from pneumonia within one week but others need additional time. Some people can take a month to recover and others are mostly recovered but have lingering fatigue after other symptoms have subsided.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.