Please Enjoy the Satisfying Moment Piers Morgan Got a Pie Thrown in His Face

Photo credit: Good Morning Britian
Photo credit: Good Morning Britian


There was an especially delicious moment on Wednesday's Good Morning Britain show when comedian and pie expert Harry Hill graced the stage.

While making shaving cream pies, Hill said, "Personalize the pie if you’re going to throw it at someone in particular, you might want to add a letter-because this pie is for all those men who wear papooses!" before smashing the pie right in host Piers Morgan's face. Hill continued, "That's for the guys who wear papooses! It's for Ross Kemp and for Daniel Craig!"

Hill was referring to a recent tweet from Morgan, who poked fun at Daniel Craig for wearing a baby carrier, writing, "Oh 007.. not you as well?!!! #papoose #emasculatedBond"

The tweet quickly drew criticism for insinuating that the act of carrying your own baby somehow makes you less of a man. Captain America's Chris Evans wrote, "You really have to be so uncertain of your own masculinity to concern yourself with how another man carries his child. Any man who wastes time quantifying masculinity is terrified on the inside."

Morgan also sent out a similar tweet about Ross Kemp:

But back to the show! After being very much pied in the face, Morgan further expressed his fragile masculinity by pie-ing his co-host Susanna Reid. From there, it was sweet, sweet chaos with more dessert being thrown around and seemingly no one coming to terms with their narrow ideas of manhood.

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