After Playing Football for Years, Cycling Helped This Rider Find His Identity Again

tyler epstein how cycling changed me
This Teacher is Hooked on CyclingCourtesy Salsa Cycles

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Name: Tyler Epstein
Belton, Missouri
High School Teacher
Time Cycling:
About 10 years
Reason for Cycling:
I ride bikes to stay fit. But more than anything, I ride for my mental health. Cycling is my medicine!

When I was in college, I met a guy who was preparing to ride his bike across the country after he graduated. I thought it would be awesome to do that one day and knew at some point, I wanted to buy a bike for that purpose.

During college, I played football. I could basically eat whatever I wanted because I was so active and needed to keep weight on for football. When I finally graduated, I continued to eat whatever I wanted, like I did while I was playing. The problem with this was, I wasn’t working out at all.

Before I knew it, I was weighing nearly 270 pounds—up from my playing weight of about 245 pounds. In order to lose weight, I began making better food choices and started to run on a regular basis. Running was great for losing weight, but it was super boring and my knees were always killing me.

I remembered thinking how cool it would be to do a cross-country bike trip and also figured cycling would be a good way to get some cardio in without the heavy impact on my knees.

So, in the winter of 2012, I found a used cyclocross bike on Craigslist and bought it! Unfortunately, I still have not done that cross-country bike trip, but it is still a goal of mine one day.

When I first started, I was not very consistent with my riding. I would ride a few days a week when it was nice out, but there was no set schedule. I wouldn’t ride at all if the conditions were bad. I do remember my first long ride though. I rode to my grandparents house and back. It was 50 miles round trip. When I started, I had flat pedals on the bike and just used my old running shoes.

After that 50-mile ride, I remember my legs being dead and my chamois area being extremely sore. That ride also helped me realize the benefits of a clipless shoe/pedal combo. I went to the bike shop and purchased clipless pedals and shoes a few days later.

When I first started, I wasn’t on any type of training plan and didn’t use any apps. I think it was at least two years after starting before I downloaded Strava.

In 2013, I did a few triathlons. My buddy was a triathlete and suggested that I give it a try. I started with a few short sprint triathlons and then did an olympic-distance one. Finally, in September of 2013, I completed a half Ironman in Branson, Missouri. During the event, I really didn’t enjoy the swim or run very much, but had a blast riding my bike. So, after that I decided I would focus on cycling.

Cycling has really helped me find my identity. When I graduated from college and my football career was over, I was lost. Football had always been my identity—it always gave me something to focus my energy into and was something I could look forward to. When I no longer had football, I was just existing. I didn’t have anything to motivate me. I started to gain weight and eventually got kind of depressed.

When I found cycling, I found a way to burn off stress and any anxiety I might be feeling. I also loved spending time outside. The things you are able to see while riding a bike, that you otherwise might not notice, is one of my favorite things about riding.

Cycling has absolutely changed my life. Whenever I am feeling anxious or a bit stagnant, I can go for a ride and instantly feel better.

The other positive influence I’ve experience from cycling has been from the cycling community itself. I have had the opportunity to meet people from around the world at races, hear their stories and make countless connections with people that share this passion.

A few years ago, a group of cycling buddies and I created a team called the KC Gravel Crushers. This group has become some of my best friends. Cycling has improved my life immensely.

One of my proudest cycling moments came in 2019. I beat the sun at The Dirty Kanza 200 (now known as Unbound Gravel). I also rode more than 10,000 miles in 2021. I am extremely proud of both of those accomplishments.

I am a high school wrestling coach so my riding slows down a bit during the winter months. That being said, I still ride at least three days a week. Typically, I will do two shorter rides during the week and a longer ride on Sundays. During the warmer months, I typically ride at least five days a week. I compete in a lot of local gravel races and over the past year or so, I have learned how important it is to focus my training and make the miles count.

I have also learned the importance of recovery. I currently don’t have a coach but I have buddies who use coaches and they have helped me learn more about training. I don’t stick to a specific plan, but I will mix in a few shorter rides each week with intervals and then do a few bigger volume rides at a more steady pace.

I have recently been struggling with some hip issues, which has taught me the importance of rest and recovery, as well as how important it is to stretch. There are days when all I want to do is ride, but I have to force myself to rest. Riding too much without rest can be counterproductive and eventually lead to injury. Trust me!

I think it’s important to stay true to yourself and what your goals are. One thing I really enjoy is lifting weights. I lift weights three days a week and have been doing so for several years now. I believe doing this helps mix things up and contributes to my overall health and strength.

Cycling has allowed me to stay fit. I currently weigh around 220 pounds and have been able to maintain this weight for the last several years. But more than anything, cycling makes me feel so good. I love everything about it—the good feelings I get while I’m out on a ride and the euphoric feeling I get after I’m finished.

I especially like those early morning rides before I start my work day. There is no better way to set the tempo for your day. I also love how many different genres of cycling there are. I ride road, gravel, and mountain bikes, and being able to switch it up keeps things interesting. I also really like that I can share my experiences on my YouTube channel, Ty’s Rides. Occasionally people will comment that I inspired them to get out and ride and that makes me feel really good.

We all have to start somewhere. When I got my first bike, I literally had no idea what I was doing. I simply found a bike that I could afford and started riding it. I’m glad I purchased that bike because it was the gateway to a passion—a passion which I hope to continue for the rest of my life.

Cycling allows me to always have something to look forward to! And my advice to someone just starting out, or even someone who has been at it a while, is to have fun. Cycling is meant to be fun. My cycling journey may look very different from your cycling journey, and that’s okay! If you enjoy riding, that’s really all that matters.

tyler epstein how cycling changed me
Riding in Crested Butte, Colorado, with friends.Courtesy Tyler Epstein

These three tips have made my cycling journey a success:

1. Don’t take it too seriously

Don’t get me wrong, I am competitive and I like to compete with other people, but more than anything, I am competing with myself. If I sign up for a long-distance race, my only real goal is to finish. If I give everything I have to finish, I am satisfied.

2. Calories are your friend

I compete in a lot of long-distance gravel races. Obviously training for these events is important, but what you are consuming during these events is just as important. For long events, eat often and eat early. Sip, sip, sip, nibble, nibble, nibble.

3. Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

If you have a goal to achieve something, you can do it. You simply need to put the work in to make it happen. The human body is capable of amazing things if the mind will allow it.

Tyler’s Must-Have Gear

Garmin Varia Radar Tail Light: I was nearly hit about a year ago. I’ve had some close calls but this one still scares me to think about. Immediately after that ride, I purchased this light and it has been a game changer. I will not ride without it!

Fizik Terra Powerstap X4 Shoes: These shoes are so comfortable. They are a gravel-specific shoe so they have some tread on the bottom, which allows you to easily walk in them but it’s not as much tread as a mountain bike shoe so they aren’t super bulky and clunky. I also like the power strap because it kind of cradles your foot which creates a feeling that the shoes are more secure to your foot.

45Nrth Sturmfist 5 Gloves: These gloves allow me to ride outside year round! They are rated for temps between 15 and 35 degrees, but I have worn them in temps below zero and my hands have been plenty warm. They are also really comfortable and have lasted several years.

Prairie Sailor Co. KOM Shorts: I really like the fit of these shorts. They sit right above the knee so they don’t get in the way when mountain biking and the fabric has a bit of flex to it. They also have a cool little pocket, which holds your phone and another side pocket with a zipper. They are also much more affordable than similar shorts on the market.

We want to hear how cycling changed you! Send your story and submit your photos to us via this web form. We’ll pick one each week to highlight on the site.

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