Play the Wolverine Six-Pack Bodyweight Card Game Workout

Play the Wolverine Six-Pack Bodyweight Card Game Workout

Bodyweight workouts starting to feel a little monotonous? While we always try to mix things up with our sessions and challenges, we hear you. We get that sometimes your workouts, and the exercises in them, can begin to stagnate.

That's why we've gone to the effort to provide you with this: the six-pack circuit card game workout, devised by Hugh Jackman's former personal trainer. And yes, you heard us correctly, it's a game, so it's meant to be fun. Pain is fun, right?

The great thing about this workout is that you can play it with your mate or by yourself. Either way, you just need a pack of cards and a hell of a lot of determination to finish.

The principle of the session is simple, each suit gets a designated movement and the number on the card is the number of reps you will perform (picture cards are 10, ace is 11 and the Joker is 1 min rest). You shuffle the pack, then pick cards from the top. Next, you work your way through the whole pack until all cards are complete.

Why? Because solitaire is for your gran.

This ab session from Hugh Jackman's former trainer only requires a pack of cards—and a lot of sweat.

From Men's Health