How To Play Pyramid Scheme

Welcome to this in-depth guide on how to play BuzzFeed's new word game, Pyramid Scheme. By the end of this, you'll be a Pyramid Scheme master, so let's get to it!

captain america with text that reads, so you want to play pyramid scheme

In each Pyramid Scheme puzzle, you'll see 15 letters. These letters can be connected to each other as long as they're direct neighbors horizontally or diagonally.

circled letters in a pyramid
circled letters in a pyramid


Tap on each letter to connect them! (And tap on the letter a second time to deselect it.)

String letters together to make words.

arrow hovering over letters to create words
arrow hovering over letters to create words


Words can be hidden in the puzzle forwards or backward, horizontally and diagonally.

arrow hovering over letters to create words
arrow hovering over letters to create words


Every letter must be used to solve the puzzle.

arrow pointing at two letters with text, uh oh these can't be part of a word no since "tomato" blocks them off. time to rework

And though you may be able to find multiple words...

clicking on different letters to form words
clicking on different letters to form words


...there is only ONE combination of words that will solve it by using every letter.

three different words in the pyramid formed to win the game
three different words in the pyramid formed to win the game


Once you think you've found a word that's a puzzle solution, click the little check mark at the bottom of the puzzle.

arrow pointing to the checkmark

Toggle Expert Mode OFF if you want to work one word at a time to get the solution. Auto-check will immediately tell you if the word you found is part of the solution.

spelling out card and being told it's not part of the solution
spelling out card and being told it's not part of the solution


For an added challenge, toggle Expert Mode ON if you want to try to solve the whole puzzle first, then submit it to be checked (like a super fun worksheet!).

different words being found
different words being found



Words must be at least three letters long. That means each puzzle can have two to five words hidden in it. We won't hide one 15-letter word in the puzzle because we think that would be mean.

character saying, i'm just being the nice, generous person i always am
character saying, i'm just being the nice, generous person i always am


Words that are abbreviations, acronyms, proper nouns, or plurals that end in "S" will never be part of the correct solution.

definitions of the words

And all words will be dictionary-verified words, so don't expect to find "vibranium" or "klingon" hidden in the puzzle.

scene from black panther
scene from black panther


OK, when can I play

A new Pyramid Scheme puzzle is available every day. Once you solve the day's puzzle, you'll have to wait until the next morning to get a new one.

person saying, we gotta hurry this up
person saying, we gotta hurry this up


The daily puzzle comes out at midnight EST and replaces the previous day's puzzle, meaning you'll only have a 24-hour window to play each puzzle.

Some puzzles are more challenging than others, so if at first you don't succeed, be sure to try again the next day!

person saying, you got this baby
person saying, you got this baby


And if you're like, "Meh, maybe I shouldn't try today," consider this your vaguely threatening Duolingo-style warning: you better. Otherwise, you'll lose your streak 🙃.

max streak and current streak

And that's it! Check out today's Pyramid Scheme here. Happy solving, you magnificent brainiac!

person pointing to their head saying, it's all in here
person pointing to their head saying, it's all in here

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