Planning a trip? These are the most popular nonstop flights out of Oklahoma City

When planning a trip, some like to base their destination off of where it will be easiest to fly from your nearest airport.

Nonstop flights are preferable to many compared to dealing with layovers. In 2023, Oklahoma City offered 36 nonstop flights out of Will Rogers World Airport, making their way to 22 different cities. Some flights are more frequent and more often used than others.

Using the number of passengers onboarded in 2023, provided by Will Rogers World Airport, here are the 10 most popular nonstop flights out of OKC.

Oklahoma City offers nonstop flights to 22 different cities. Which ones see the most passengers?
Oklahoma City offers nonstop flights to 22 different cities. Which ones see the most passengers?

Top 10 nonstop flights out of OKC

  • Dallas (Dallas Fort Worth International Airport): This American Airlines flight saw 637,752 onboards in 2023 and an average of 113 onboards per departure.

  • Atlanta (Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport): This Delta Airlines flight saw 377,847 onboards in 2023 and an average of 111 onboards per departure.

  • Denver (Denver International Airport): This Southwest Airlines flight saw 319,277 onboards in 2023 and an average of 120 onboards per departure.

  • Houston (William P. Hobby Airport): This Southwest Airlines flight saw 315,661 onboards in 2023 and an average of 119 onboards per departure.

  • Houston (George Bush Intercontinental Airport): This United Airlines flight saw 266,035 onboards in 2023 and an average of 61 onboards per departure.

  • Las Vegas (Harry Reid International Airport): This Southwest Airlines flight saw 195,245 onboards in 2023 and an average of 140 onboards per departure.

  • Denver (Denver International Airport): This United Airlines flight saw 190,380 onboards in 2023 and an average of 67 onboards per departure.

  • Phoenix (Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport): This Southwest Airlines flight saw 182,858 onboards in 2023 and an average of 125 onboards per departure.

  • Charlotte (Charlotte Douglas International Airport): This American Airlines flight saw 169,910 onboards in 2023 and an average of 122 onboards per departure.

  • St. Louis (St. Louis Lambert International Airport): This Southwest Airlines flight saw 162,427 onboards in 2023 and an average of 123 onboards per departure.

Cities served nonstop from OKC

Here are all the cities you can catch a nonstop flight to from OKC:

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Most popular nonstop flights from OKC include Dallas, Atlanta, Denver