How to Plan the Perfect Group Ride

Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team
Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

Cyclists up the ante on group rides by including gorgeous roads, good friends, quality conversation, and great pit stops. But getting that perfect mix of elements can be a daunting task. So to help you make your next group ride totally kickass, we consulted a pro: National Cyclocross Champion Jeremy Powers.

J-Pow knows a thing or two about planning a great group ride. Every year, he helps plan the JAM Fund Grand Fundo fundraising ride, which features an ice cream truck pit stop and a post-ride pig roast and live music party. This year, more than 400 people participated—so he’s doing something right.

Here’s Powers’ advice on how to be the hero of your own group ride.

Plan around food.
One of Powers’ favorite ride series: The early spring treks he and his friends make to area sugar shacks (where maple syrup is made). They’ll plan three-hour trips to shacks they’ve never visited before where they can load up on pancakes and syrup, then crawl back home. Conditions can get miserable (it's spring in New England, after all), but the rides are great fun because of the stop.

Keep that idea in mind on your own long group rides.
Where’s the food stop? Is it a snack bar where people can get ice cream? A place where you can grab a cold Coke and enjoy the view? A spigot with cold water? It doesn’t need to be a huge production, but it should be planned. And the more memorable the stop, the more enjoyable the whole ride will be.

Set the tone early.
Set expectations for etiquette before ride day. Is it a no-drop ride where everyone will regroup at intersections? Is there a lot of dirt, so wide tires are recommended? Will riding two abreast be mandatory in order to keep motorists happy? Let riders know what to expect.

Share the route.
On large rides in particular, share the route in advance so people will be comfortable with where you’re leading them. “Putting it on MapMyRide or sharing a GPS file can help make sure people don’t get lost,” Powers adds.

Save the day.
Carry a spare tube, a patch kit, and some CO2, and be ready to offer to fix flats. Why CO2? It will save time and keep the group together. Of course, carry a pump as backup.

RELATED: Become Your Group Ride's Secret Weapon with Bicycling's Online Bike Mechanic Course

Finish well.
Powers was recently invited on a group ride on a hot summer day that had a planned stop at a gorge for a swim: Plan for a wet chamois for the last leg, the invite read. “The response from people was, ‘Oh my god, that’s an amazing idea,’ ” Powers says. You can get the same reaction by planning to finish at a sandwich shop or a place where you can hang out over a cold beer.

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