This Pizza Is Hiding Another Pizza Underneath It

From Delish

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a person with one pizza must be in want of another pizza. Two is always better than one. Double trouble. ¿Por qué no los dos? You get the point. Here's another: It can be hard to choose what pizza you want. But now, you can get two pizzas stacked on top of each other. Yes, you read that right.

East Village Pizza first started serving double-stacked pizzas a few months ago and it's blowing people's minds. The first and bottom layer of the pizza is made without sauce, probably because of leakage problems and it'd make the top layer go slip-sliding away. The dough for the second and top layer of the pizza is gently laid on top of the first and then dressed up with toppings. The pizzas take a longer time to cook, about 25 to 35 minutes seeing as they're ginormous and weigh like five pounds. But let me tell you, it is so worth it.


There are seven different combinations you can choose from on the menu. Each option comes with toppings and double cheese on both layers.

Photo credit: Andrea Kaufman
Photo credit: Andrea Kaufman

No pizzeria can be seriously be called a pizzeria if there aren't garlic knots. And this place does garlic knots cheesy. The knots are put into a foil container and mozzarella is HEAPED on top to form a small mountain. They're baked until the cheese melts and then you can scoop those babies right out. This place is carb HEAVEN and worth every single calorie.

Find it all at East Village Pizza in New York City.

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