Your Pisces Monthly Horoscope for October

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • October 2: Mercury Retrograde ends

  • October 9: Full Moon in Aries

  • October 23: Sun and Venus enter Scorpio

  • October 25: New Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio

  • October 27: Jupiter enters Pisces

  • October 30: Mars Retrograde begins in Gemini

Your lattes are spiced and your pumpkin decorations are up–welcome to October, Pisces! The month starts out with some financial blessings on October 1 as Venus in Libra connects with Jupiter in Aries. You may be striking a deal and signing on the dotted line. News of settling debts, inheritance, or a serious cash injection could be on its way! The two luckiest planets in the sky are engaging with one another on your financial axis, so if you’ve been waiting for an offer or raise, news should arrive soon. The following day on October 2, Mercury goes direct in Virgo, clearing up matters within your relationships. Mercury Retrograde's journey through Virgo has brought matters in your relationships under the microscope. You’re better able to understand your partner's motives and perspective, and a resolution is on its way. And if you’ve been hoping to collaborate with a company or new business partner, delays, and setbacks begin to subside.

A Full Moon in Aries on October 9 brings your focus back to your finances. Perhaps you’re ready to start a new role or accept a promotion. A turning point occurs around your finances and resources. You may feel like celebrating by making a big purchase. Changes at work or in your specific role may also unfold around this time. On October 10, Mercury re-enters Libra, shifting your mental mood. You’re leading with introspection and reflection. This could signal a period of negotiation before signing a contract or bring up discussions about merging finances. On an emotional level, you’re reconnecting with your desire for intimacy and shared vulnerability. This is a wonderful time to work through past pains and lean on your support network. Right now, healing is a conscious act that requires your willingness and effort.

Confusion and disappointment within your family unit can manifest on October 11 as Mars in Gemini squares off with Neptune in Pisces. You may express a value or goal that's met with some tension amongst your family or roommates. Your compassion is your superpower, but don’t let others dissuade you or walk all over you. You have the right to evolve into a version of yourself that feels fulfilling.

Tensions within groups and organizations you’re a member of bubble to the surface on October 19 as the Sun and Venus, both in Libra, clash with Pluto in Capricorn. You’re reflecting on how much stock you put in other people’s expectations of you. Are you living for yourself, or have you been caught in a people-pleasing loop? Are you associating with people who align with your values and who care about your whole self–including your mistakes, fears, and failures? You’re craving depth and intimacy right now.

The Sun and Venus, both in Libra, share one final kiss in the sky before Scorpio season begins. Known as a cazimi, this pairing serves as a rebirthing process for Venus. The planet of love and leisure is emboldened by the Sun’s rays and vitality, and major relationship realizations can take place. You’re seeing someone in a new light.

The cosmic vibe shifts on October 23 when the Sun and Venus both enter brooding Scorpio, kicking off Scorpio season 2022. After contemplating emotionally raw topics for the past few weeks, you’re ready for a little levity. The Sun and Venus in Scorpio remind you of the transformation that takes place when you invite in more risk and try something new. A perspective shift may be on the way, or perhaps you’re planning a vacation. Either way, your routine is improved when you prioritize folding in new experiences.

A New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio marks the sky on October 25. If your work involves publishing, media, or broadcasting, this could signal the start of a new project or opportunity. Solar eclipses coincide with new beginnings, as well as speed up timelines and bring about fated events. You may be in school, learning a new skill, presenting at a conference, or taking some much-needed me time.

Abundant, lucky, and boisterous Jupiter re-enters Pisces on October 27, bringing extra fortune your way. When the planet of luck moves through your sign, your magnetism, charm, and manifesting power is at an all-time high. You can use this cosmic energy to call in your wildest dreams, shape-shift into a new and more aligned version of yourself, or focus on joy and gratitude in your life. This is Jupiter’s last journey in your sign until 2033, so make a wish and then take a step toward making it come true.

On the same day, some uncomfortable but necessary confrontations come up. You’re craving depth and connection from your colleagues or friendship circles, but it may not be reciprocated. You may learn the limits of some of your relationships or find yourself in a position where you have to address an unresolved issue. If your friendships have been suffering from imbalance, it’s time to stand up for your needs.

On October 30, Mars Retrograde begins in Gemini. Mars, the planet of anger, action and pursuit, typically stays in a sign for about two months, but thanks to this retrograde cycle, it will remain in Gemini until March of next year. Mars will be spending its time moving through the part of your chart that has to do with home, family, ancestry, and your living situation. Tensions with family members can come up during this time, or perhaps you’re renovating your home, moving, or finding new roommates. Whatever comes up, your plans and goals are subject to change. This part of your chart is undergoing a revision, so go with the flow!

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