Your Pisces Monthly Horoscope for December

Your Pisces Monthly Horoscope for December

From Cosmopolitan

Add these dates to your GCal:

  • December 14: Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

  • December 17: Saturn enters Aquarius

  • December 19: Jupiter enters Aquarius

  • December 21: Sun enters Capricorn

  • December 21: Jupiter conjunct Saturn

  • December 29: Full Moon in Cancer

You’re the last sign of the zodiac, which means you’re constantly absorbing the trials and tribulations of the eleven zodiac signs before you. It’s always exhausting, but especially against the backdrop of this unprecedented year…well, let’s just say you can really use a vacation. For better or worse, the last month of 2020 is filled to the brim with action-packed astrology that sets that stage for 2021. I know, I know. It’s a lot. But hey, I don’t make the rules! Let’s jump right in!

First, a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14 activates the area of your chart associated with career, legacy, and reputation. This is a major moment for your professional success, Pisces! What will you do to be seen? Right now, the sky’s the limit, so don’t be afraid to make big, bold moves that symbolize long-term success. After all, this eclipse isn’t a singular event: It’s actually the third installment of a six-part series that will continue through December 2021. Simply put, choices you make now have long-term implications that link to your destiny and fate. No pressure, but you’ll definitely want to take advantage of this supercharged lunation. The stars are in your court!

Then, on December 19, Saturn—the task-master of the zodiac—pivots into Aquarius, where it will remain through 2023. This is huge, Pisces love! Although Saturn briefly entered Aquarius for a few weeks earlier this year, this will be the first time it’s setting up shop in this part of the zodiac since the early 1990s. For those mermaids born during that time (between 1991 and 1994), Saturn’s motion into Aquarius will kick off your Saturn Return (a monumental time known as your astrological coming-of-age). And even if you’re not going through your Saturn Return, this new chapter will create radical transformation for all Pisces. As this ringed gas-giant begins its slow waltz through your subconscious, psychic zone, it’s wise to anticipate major shifts relating to your emotional processing. You may discover that you’re ready to confront—and subsequently break—toxic patterns.

It’s not easy stuff, but thankfully, generous Jupiter is also coming into Aquarius on December 19, which will be sure to smooth out Saturn’s sharp edges. With Jupiter also in Aquarius, you’ll realize that you can use your incredible altruistic spirit to improve your life. Over the next twelve months, you’ll realize that advocating for others and celebrating your personal achievements can occur simultaneously. This is magical stuff, Pisces! Enjoy it!

Capricorn season begins on December 21, as the Sun enters this ambitious earth sign and kicks off the Winter Solstice. Then, just a few hours later, Jupiter and Saturn meet for the first time since 2000, which is huge news for the cosmos! On a personal level, this alignment (called the “Great Conjunction”) marks the beginning of a new 20-year cycle defined by...well, whatever your heart desires! Right now, you're learning how to turn your dreams into reality...namely because you're beginning to see which aspirations are realistic, and how those goals can be incorporated into your long-term vision. Of course, that shouldn't discourage you from exploring your most fantastical desires: Underwater cooking classes are still an excellent idea!

And, as if that wasn’t enough, there’s still one more important event before we begin the new year. On December 29, a Full Moon in Cancer illuminates the cosmos, activating the area of your chart that governs teamwork and technology. You’re feeling inspired to use your vivid imagination to broaden your horizon, so right now, you’re realizing that your internet connections are truly invaluable. Whether you call them “followers” or “friends,” your community is there to help you expand your horizons. Under this sky, don’t be afraid to reach out to a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend. After all, the new year is right around the corner—why not take a few big leaps of faith?

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