Your Pisces Monthly Horoscope for December

Your Pisces Monthly Horoscope for DecemberHearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your GCal:

  • December 6: Mercury enters Capricorn

  • December 7: Full Moon in Gemini

  • December 9: Venus enters Capricorn

  • December 20: Jupiter enters Aries

  • December 21: Sun enters Capricorn; Winter Solstice

  • December 23: New Moon in Capricorn

  • December 29: Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn

Hello, Pisces! You're saying goodbye to some of your shyness this Sagittarius season. You’re magnetic right now, and people are noticing! Neptune, one of your ruling planets, stations direct on December 3, and you may be hit with a wave of whimsy. Nurture your creativity, but know that this isn’t a time to rush any important decisions. Use this time to reflect and pursue activities and projects that make you feel alive.

You may be romanticizing the future and some of your long-term goals when Venus in Sagittarius mingles with Neptune in Pisces on December 4. Don’t be afraid to let your mind wander. Where do you want to be a year from now? Bring that picture to focus in your mind and attach emotions to your vision. A few days later on December 6, Mercury enters Capricorn and you’re thinking more about your friendships and group dynamics, as well as your hopes and dreams for the future. If you have a goal in mind, now is the time to start laying down the framework for how you can bring it to life.

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 7 stirs up some tension within your family or living situation. A quarrel could be on the menu, but it’s likely that any frustrations that have been brewing have needed addressing for a long, long time. Don’t be afraid to share any annoyances or irritations that have been building up. You deserve to share your thoughts. Some sweet relief arrives on December 9 when Venus in Sagittarius shares a kiss with Jupiter in Pisces. A goal may be realized, a milestone met, or an enticing opportunity arrive. Luck is in the air and your charm is off the charts–use it to your advantage. Later in the day, Venus, the planet of harmony, enters Capricorn. This is a wonderful opportunity to invest your time contributing to a cause you believe in. You’re feeling supported by your community.

Exciting conversations take place on December 17 when Mercury in Capricorn connects with Uranus in Taurus. You may be networking, or a friend or colleague could be connecting you with someone of importance. Breakthrough ideas around any goals or ambitions you have arrive, as well as possible news on how to move forward. This is an inspiring moment! Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, enters Aries on December 20 and moves back into the financial sector of your chart. You may receive a raise, a financial gift, or even a promotion.

Capricorn season and the winter solstice arrive on December 21, marking a fresh chapter for your hopes and dreams for the future. Look how far you’ve come over the past year! You’re investing your time in your friendships and community. It’s also possible that a goal is closer than you think! On the same day, the Sun in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter in Aries, and you may receive some financial luck. This is serious networking energy: Remember, it never hurts to ask! The New Moon in Capricorn on December 23 invites you to set your ambitions for the year to come. What seeds are you ready to plant? Where do you want to focus your energy?

Just as you’re defining your goals, you may start to also experience some uncertainty. Why’s that? Mercury Retrograde arrives in Capricorn on December 29, stalling your plans and asking ou to review, refine, and reflect before moving forward. This is a temporary pause and it will be beneficial in the long run, even if it feels frustrating now. On the same day, Mercury and Venus, both in Capricorn, meet at the same point in the sky. A beneficial conversation can take place with a friend, colleague, or someone from your network. Creative inspiration may also strike!

The year ends with Venus and Pluto, both in Capricorn, meeting at the same point in the sky on December 31. Venus is the planet of love and desire while Pluto is the planet of power, the taboo, and transformation. You may be reflecting on your true motivations. Is it power you crave? Have you been eager to feed your ego? This is also an important time to address any unhealthy power dynamics in any of your relationships. Start the New Year fresh!

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