Your Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski

From Cosmopolitan

Your Key Dates

  • August 15: Embrace your sensitivities

  • August 23: Focus on your relationships

  • August 30: Don’t get too lost in the sauce

Enough already! Mercury Retrograde has been an utter nightmare, and these back-to-back eclipses made everything feel like a soap opera. You’ve been crying nonstop, but thankfully, the worst is over: Mercury is back to normal, and we won’t need to deal with these eclipse again until December. Enjoy the rest of your summer, Pisces!

The Sun’s movement across Leo’s domain has been activating the area of your chart connected to health, wellness, and daily routines. Have you been getting enough sleep? Are you eating well? Are you drinking enough water? Self-care isn’t always on the forefront of your thoughts, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. Schedule walks and water breaks into your work calendar if you need to. There’s nothing wrong with stepping away from your desk to enjoy the Sun’s warm rays.

On August 15, the Full Moon in Aquarius will help you understand the true meaning of the saying “as above, so below.” This lunation will activate your psychic zone, making you aware of everything exists below the surface. Everything we do on a day-to-day basis is merely a reflection of our subconscious, emotional experience. When you embrace your sensitivities, you accept yourself as complete, whole being and everything—including your daily grind—gets a little easier.

Be sure to attend to your needs during the first half of the month, because the latter half of August is all about relationships. The Sun moves into Virgo, your opposite sign, on August 23, activating the area of your chart associated with close, committed bonds. But the Sun isn’t the only celestial body shining light on your interpersonal dynamics: Mars, the planet of action. and Venus, the planet of love, also move into Virgo on August 18 and August 21. A coupled-up Pisces will see some major developments in their relationships while a single Pisces should expect to enter into new bonds. Of course, not all connections are romantic. We also pair off to form businesses and friendships, and these unions are equally important!

Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into Virgo on August 29, so expect meaningful conversations to occur on that date. And, finally, the Moon glides into Virgo on August 30, creating 2019’s only New Moon in this sign. By the end of the month, five celestial bodies will be occupying your partnership zone. That’s a lot of energy surrounding your relationships, Pisces love! But don’t get too lost in the sauce. In order to be a great partner, you need to make sure you’re showering yourself with compassion. Be kind to yourself. You are doing the best you can.

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