Pisces May 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions

Bella Geraci/Allure

Read your sign's 2024 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Pisces personality profile.

Welcome to May, Pisces. This month brings a full moon dying to manifest your desires and so much fun with friends. Just remember to factor in some downtime: As a poetic water sign, while you thrive when connecting with others, you also need to recharge alone. But, compared to last month, which brought a beautiful yet intense eclipse and Mercury retrograde, May is delightfully relaxing.

The first notable transit comes on Thursday, May 2, when Pluto, the planet of transformation, goes retrograde in eccentric Aquarius. Your creativity is unparalleled, but you can get sucked into the daily grind and social obligations and put your passion projects on the back burner. This transit begs you to bring them to the front, Pisces. You won't regret it. To help you move this mission along, a new moon arrives in decadent Taurus on Tuesday, May 7, illuminating your 3rd House of Communication. This mysterious and dark lunation suggests exciting new conversations are on the horizon. Whether you’re thinking about asking someone on a first date or launching that creative endeavor, this is an ideal time to set your intentions—your results may manifest as early as the end of this month.

You’re naturally laidback, but you'll feel especially in tune with your Piscean nature on Monday, May 13 when sweet Venus forms a relaxing sextile with Saturn, which is currently in your sign. During this time, try not to overextend yourself; it's a perfect moment to embrace your serene side. The next day, on Tuesday, May 14, Ceres, the nurturing asteroid, begins its retrograde in Capricorn, primarily influencing your friendships. This transit brings a profoundly caring energy, making it ideal for connecting with friends over dinner. Whether you’re ordering takeout or whipping up something from scratch, the focus should be on enjoying the company of others.

Divine messenger Mercury enters Taurus and revisits your 3rd House of Communication on Wednesday, May 15, adding sweetness and depth to the conversations initiated around the new moon, helping to smoothly advance these interactions. This transit drips divine honey all over your words, injecting your conversations with a giving and sweet energy to which others respond well.

The sun moves into charismatic Gemini on Monday, May 20, marking the start of Gemini season. The following weeks might bring a barrage of social invitations, but they could also stretch you thin, so remember to include downtime in your busy schedule to recharge your creative and emotional energies. Your friends know that you need to regroup alone, so they'll understand if you ask them to respect your boundaries.

When generous Jupiter graces your 4th House, it's a cosmic invitation to relax and take it easy.

A powerful full moon in Sagittarius on Thursday, May 23, enhances your capacity for manifestation, particularly impacting your 10th House of Social Status. This lunation could bring about the fruition of goals set earlier in the month. Keep an eye on your inbox for potentially good news, but remember what they say about a watch pot never boiling. Patience is key. Constantly checking for updates won’t speed up the process and might just stress you out, so try to distract yourself with some relaxing self-care such as skin care rituals or baths. The same day, Venus, the divine ruler of beauty, also transits Gemini. The influence of this clever sign reminds you that you're totally allowed to step back and take it easy, Pisces.

Finally, the month concludes on a high note as Jupiter, the planet of expansion, also enters Gemini and your 4th House of Home and Family on Saturday, May 25. Think of this as just an extra dusting of stardust as the month ends. Jupiter is a super generous planet, and when it graces your 4th House, it's a cosmic invitation to relax and take it easy. Enjoy the low-key month, and we'll see you in June.

Important dates in May 2024:

Thursday, May 2: Pluto goes retrograde in Aquarius
Tuesday, May 7: New moon in Taurus
Tuesday, May 14: Ceres goes retrograde in Capricorn
Wednesday, May 15: Mercury enters Taurus
Thursday, May 16: Pallas retrograde enters Scorpio
Monday, May 20: Sun enters Gemini
Thursday, May 23: Full moon in Sagittarius
Thursday, May 23: Venus enters Gemini

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of May 2024 horoscopes.

Originally Appeared on Allure

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