Pinkbike Academy Winner Finds Secret Line At The Whistler Bike Park

Whistler is easily the most well known and heavily trafficked bike park on the planet so you would think that by now everything that could be discovered there has been.

Well, think again. Max Grayston, enlightened us about a fun looking but questionably legal line at the park that is guaranteed to put you on top of the Strava leaderboard but also may get you flagged immediately. Check it out below.

Now on a serious note, we can't endorse you lovely people going out and cutting your own lines in at the Whistler Bike Park or any other park for that matter.

Also, if you think you can get cute and cut in little shortcuts to bolster your times on the ol' Strava leaderboards, think again. That is just poor sportsmanship and your local riding community will sniff it out in a heartbeat.

All that being said, I am not trying to be the fun police, just be respectful of the trails is all I'm suggesting.

Related: Remy Metailler burns the Whistler Bike Park

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