Pineapple And Coffee Is An Unexpected Pairing You Need To Try

A glass of pineapple juice and an iced coffee
A glass of pineapple juice and an iced coffee - Lukas Doberenz/Shutterstock

Coffee is an expansive category of drink, containing everything from sweet and syrupy blends to strong, steaming cups of dark roast. As years go by, this list seems to grow, with caffeine fanatics getting more creative with their home brews and cafe buys. It wasn't long ago that Starbucks' introduction of the Frappuccino shocked the world, and now these drinks are a household name. Since then, new coffee drink inventions have only gotten more wild and ambitious. There's a whole world of unique coffee pairings just waiting to be made.

If you're a fan of these creative cups, we get it, and we have another fun one to share here before it blows up. Have you ever heard of pineapple coffee? Coffee traditionalists might balk at the idea of this unexpected combination, but adding a few slices of pineapple into an iced coffee makes for a satisfying combination of flavors both bitter and sweet. The refreshing fruit brings new life to strong brews, and is a perfect pick-me-up on hot days. Plus, since coffee and pineapple are both naturally acidic, they mesh well in that way, too.

This tart fruit pairs especially well with cold coffee blends, so iced coffee lovers in particular might want to consider giving this drink a try. If you're wary, it's understandable, but take a look first at what some fans of it have to say.

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Fans Share Their Reactions To This Unique New Drink

A glass of iced coffee garnished with pinneapple
A glass of iced coffee garnished with pinneapple - aonip/Shutterstock

You might cringe at the first mention of combing coffee with unique additions like pineapple, but don't knock it until you try it. There are many different ways to enjoy a combination of pineapple and coffee, but one of the most popular ways is to start by making some pineapple syrup. One TikTok user created some by boiling water with sugar and pineapple scraps, to then mix in with espresso, sparkling water, and ice. Fans were quick to take to the comments to share their thoughts on the effervescent combination.

One fan noted that they had also made a similarly delicious concoction themselves: "I have done pineapple with milk in coffee, but as a blended drink. It was good...but this sounds even better!" Other users agreed, with many sharing their own pineapple coffee suggestions, such as adding coconut milk into the mix for a piña colada-inspired drink. Another fan noted, "Honestly I'd say a Vietnamese cold brew would be really good with a pineapple cold foam!"

If you're not keen on the idea of turning pineapple into a syrup, you can also use fresh pineapple juice instead, or plop a few fruit-infused ice cubes into your glass. You can even freeze pineapple cubes and use them as ice cubes in your drink. Some TikTok fans suggested a few more off-the-wall blends to try, and we have some unexpected pineapple coffee combos of our own for you to consider.

Other Pineapple Coffee Combinations To Try

A shot of espresso being poured into a glass of pineapple juice
A shot of espresso being poured into a glass of pineapple juice - SrideeStudio/Shutterstock

While one particular take on pineapple coffee has the support of some internet fans, you don't have to stop at mixing your pineapple juice with espresso and sparkling water. From refreshing cold brews to smooth, blended drinks, there are plenty of different coffee possibilities to combine with pineapple.

For a caffeinated version of a virgin piña colada, try blending up some coconut milk, pineapple juice, and cold brew with ice for a creamy coffee delight. Adding some pineapple juice to a classic espresso martini would also make for an exciting twist on this alcoholic beverage. If you're feeling extra creative, you could even try swapping the pineapple juice with grapefruit juice or orange juice. As previously mentioned, fruit juices do well in coffee thanks to the equally acidic natures of these drinks, so the combination often makes for a surprisingly good pair. A dark roast coffee is usually best for these types of drinks, as it has the lowest acidity levels of all the roasts and will help ensure that your coffee and fruit combination does not become overwhelmingly acidic.

Coffee is great on its own, but it also serves as an excellent blank canvas to experiment with other exciting ingredients. A bright splash of fruit can be the perfect contrast to a bold cup of joe or a rich shot of espresso, so grab a glass and give one of these fun takes on coffee a go.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.