Pilot Shares Rare Cockpit View Of Landing At Telluride's Record-Setting Airport

The majority of folks who visit Telluride Ski Resort in Telluride, Colorado will fly into Montrose or drive all the way from Denver. But, for those willing to shell out the extra coin, Telluride has an airport of its own.

This airport isn't just another rinky-dink airstrip in the middle of nowhere. No, Telluride Regional Airport rests on a stunning mesa surround by the towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains.

At 9,078 feet above sea level, it's the highest commercial airport in the country. Watch below as Pilots Robert Boyle and Jim Siverts land a Diamond DA42 Twinstar at Telluride:

Video published to YouTube by Jim Siverts.

As skiers, it's hard to fathom a better view for an airport than Telluride Regional.

How can you beat the jagged 13,000+ foot peaks and the resort's ski runs descending the mountain straight ahead? It's like something out of a fictitious dreamworld.

Telluride Regional takes the crown as the highest altitude airfield with commercial flights and passengers, but another airfield located in Colorado is actually higher.

The Lake County airport sits at 9,934 ft. in Leadville, Colorado, but it is primarily used by private aircraft.

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