Pillsbury’s Place-and-Bake Turkey Cookies Are Your Secret Friendsgiving Weapon

Though Halloween hasn’t even happened yet, the early onslaught of holiday-themed products may have fooled you into thinking it’s almost Christmas. That’s at least partially because companies don’t really sell stuff related to Thanksgiving. As it turns out, though, the fourth Thursday in November (or the second Monday in October for our Canadian friends) isn’t completely resistant to culinary commercialization.

That’s because Pillsbury is getting into the Thanksgiving spirit with its release of Place-and-Bake turkey cookies. Well, not really turkey cookies (because that would be gross), but straightforward sugar cookies that depict a happy lil’ turkey wearing a pilgrim’s hat.

Instagram account @Snackgator was among the first to spot this on store shelves when it made its annual return.

As the name implies, these Place-and-Bake cookies couldn’t be any easier to bring to life. Cut into 24 pre-sliced sugar cookies, literally all you have to do is put them on a baking sheet and into the oven for 10 to 12 minutes. Pillsbury truly has eliminated any conceivable excuse for showing up to your upcoming Friendsgiving empty-handed. It sure beats brining and basting a turkey.

If you want to zoom right past halloween and move straight on to your Thanksgiving baking, you can find these on the shelves of Meijer already, and probably anywhere fine Pillsbury baking products are sold sometime soon. Thanksgiving is five weeks away and you can bake these faster than you can watch an episode of Friends, so I think you’ll be able to get it done in time.