Pig's Sweet Response to Getting Love From Rescuer Is So Touching

This pig will live out the rest of its days with love.

Anyone who believes that animals that people usually consume as food don't have feelings has never spent enough time around them. Barnyard animals are just as capable of unconditional love as people are, and this touching video is the perfect proof. Pigs are amazing smart, capable of problem solving and affection, and can even be trained to walk on a leash.

@Thepearlyacre posted the sweet video of their latest rescue on their page. Get ready to fall in love with this sweet baby's reaction to getting petted.

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Everyone is so in love with this story, and The Pearly Acre Pig Sanctuary has posted so many beautiful videos of these rescue pigs on their page.

From the sanctuary's website: In January of 2021 The Pearly Acre officially became a not-for-profit organization. Currently home to 15 pigs, The Pearly Acre also works to help match unwanted pigs with new homes through a networking community. Our immersive tours give you the opportunity to go into the pig pen and have time to touch and learn about them. Unlike a petting zoo setting, your tour is guided and is full of educational information to help you better understand an animal typically seen as food, and therefore overlooked.

Adopting a pig, pot-belly or otherwise, is a huge commitment. Considering pigs can live between 12-15 years, you should educate yourself on these animals before deciding to adopt one.

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