Pig's Funny Way of Demanding Cuddles Is Too Cute to Resist

This pig knows what he wants!

Pets have a funny way of asking for things they want. Maybe they'll whine and whine until you cave and give them a treat. Or like our pets, they'll look into your soul until they get what the want, which yes, we do always cave. LOL! 

TikTok user @mina.alali's pet asks a little differently than other animals. You've probably seen it before but it's too cute not to share. This adorable pig uses buttons to demand his cuddles. It's absolutely hilarious! 

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LMAO! We can't stop laughing at the fact he wouldn't even wait one second. He wanted his snuggles and he wanted them at that instant! "I love the response when you ask if he's feeling neglected. He's like, 'Uh-huh,'" commented @lorena_hears_voices. Aww poor baby! 

@alexispineda0 wrote, "Drops everything!! That’s love!!!" Even after she told him one second and he couldn't wait, she dropped everything. Talk about being the best mom ever! "And that's how the animals took over...their cuteness," added @Wish_Horse. Honestly, so true! No matter how much we try and stand our ground, their adorableness always wins. 

"That's a cute potbelly and they are known to be needy," said @gluttonLRD. We never knew that about pigs before. We'll be sure to give our future pet pig extra snuggles since they're so needy. LOL! 


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