What Is A Pie Bird And Why Do You Need One?

Get back to the basics of pie baking with this old-school tool.

<p>Getty Images / Southern Living</p>

Getty Images / Southern Living

Lately it seems the internet is full of articles beating you over the head about things you are doing wrong in the kitchen, from cutting watermelons all wrong to cutting your layer cakes all wrong. Sorry, but we need to add one more item to that list, and it is possibly the most important one of all: You may be venting your pies all wrong. Ever heard of a pie bird? Let me tell you what it is and how it will radically change your life (or at least your pie baking).

What Is A Pie Bird?

A pie bird is a hollow ceramic or stoneware tool that is placed in the center of pies to prevent the filling from bubbling over. Pie birds also provide support for the top crust, keeping it from drooping in the middle. They are also called pie funnels, pie whistles, or pie vents, because the hollow core allows steam to escape during baking. Pie birds may be coated in a colorful glaze, have intricate designs, or be shaped like another whimsical animal.

Historians argue as to when pie birds, which originated in Europe, came into use—whether as early as the 1500's or later, during Victorian times. This tool grew more popular in the 1940s when manufacturers started producing them in varying colors and whimsical shapes. Over the years, they fell out of favor when bakers opted to just cut vents in their pastry rather than use a pie bird, but hard-core pie bakers still claim that using a pie bird creates absolutely the best crust.

When Should You Use A Pie Bird?

You don't have to use a pie bird on any pie, but it can prevent the filling from erupting and making a mess of your pie crust. Some bakers also claim it makes the bottom crust less soggy.

A pie bird is most beneficial when you're topping a pie with a solid crust. Most double-crust pie recipes advise you to cut slits in the crust so that steam can escape—the pie bird serves that function instead. If you're baking a pie with a lattice crust or decorative topping with lots of escape routes for steam, you don't need to use a pie bird.

How To Use A Pie Bird

Following the instructions of your recipe, prepare the pie filling and the pie dough. You may need to par-bake (or blind bake) the bottom layer of pie crust. Now follow these steps to use a pie bird:

  1. Once the bottom crust is ready, place the pie bird on top of it right in the middle of the pie plate, then spoon the pie filling around the bird.

  2. Roll out the top layer of pastry dough, cut an X in the center of the dough, and carefully cover the pie, allowing the pie bird to poke through the X. Press the flaps of the X around the base of the bird.

  3. Bake according to recipe instructions. You don't need to remove the pie bird after baking, which may leave an ugly hole. You can cut and serve around it.

Where To Find A Pie Bird

Want your own pie bird? There is a fun selection of pie birds and pie funnels (including forest animals and other critters) on amazon.com. Scour your local antique stores, search Ebay, or spend an hour or so in your grandmother's pantry. Chances are you will find a cute pie bird, waiting for a chance to be put back into service.

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Read the original article on Southern Living.