Pickpocketing a Pro Cyclist’s Water Bottle Is Apparently a Thing Now

cycling water bottles
Is Pickpocketing a Pro’s Water Bottle a Thing?Trevor Raab

Water bottle drama seems to be having a bit of a viral video moment in the pro-peloton this season. A few weeks ago, Alberto Bettiol (EFEducation-EasyPost) tried his hand at using his bottle as a journalist repelling device during the Tour Down Under.

More recently, a stone cold water bottle thief was caught on video in the midst of the stage finish hub-bub at the Vuelta a San Juan.

Water bottles that have been used by pro riders during a race are a fan favorite in the momento department, and since cycling is one of the rare sports in which fans can walk right up to the athletes at the finish, it isn’t unusual for fans to ask riders for their bottle as a souvenir.

That’s what we see initially—a teenager asking rider Jonas Hvideberg (Team DSM) for his bottle. Within seconds of that exchange starting what can only be described as a water bottle pickpocket swipes the bottle and nonchalantly strolls off.

Both Hvideberg and the fan he was talking to both appear to have a did that just happen? moment. Check out how it went down in the video below.

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