Pickles Or Potato Chips? What Your Pregnancy Cravings Say About You

By Devan McGuinness

With each of my pregnancies I craved very specific things: With Big P all I wanted was orange juice, with Princess R I ate my weight in onion rings, and with Babe E all I wanted were those fuzzy peach gummy candies. Though the cravings were seemingly random, I truly believed at the time that my body knew what it needed and would drive me crazy until I consumed it (yes, even if that "it" were gummies).

But now, looking back, I'm starting to wonder: Are our cravings really reflective of what our bodies need or more reflective of our personalities?Here's what I believe our pregnancy cravings say about us...

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For 8 more things your pregnancy cravings say about you, visit Babble.

Pickles And Ice Cream

<strong>What it says about you:</strong> You like to do things by the book. If others before you said pickles and ice cream was the best pregnancy indulgence they ever had, you take their word for it and follow suit.
What it says about you: You like to do things by the book. If others before you said pickles and ice cream was the best pregnancy indulgence they ever had, you take their word for it and follow suit.

Mexican Food

<strong>What it says about you: </strong>You don't care what others think. You know all about the fat and calories in a Taco Bell Chalupa, but guess what? You're eating for two now so you'll have your burrito and eat it too.
What it says about you: You don't care what others think. You know all about the fat and calories in a Taco Bell Chalupa, but guess what? You're eating for two now so you'll have your burrito and eat it too.

Ice Cubes

<strong>What it says about you:</strong> You're already a very motherly type. You're the one friends and family look to for honest advice; always with that perfect balance between what you want to do and what you should do.
What it says about you: You're already a very motherly type. You're the one friends and family look to for honest advice; always with that perfect balance between what you want to do and what you should do.


<strong>What it says about you:</strong> You march to the beat of your own drum ... and you have Pica disorder. You also have extreme discipline -- enduring 9 months of your life resisting the urge to eat your front lawn takes a lot of control.
What it says about you: You march to the beat of your own drum ... and you have Pica disorder. You also have extreme discipline -- enduring 9 months of your life resisting the urge to eat your front lawn takes a lot of control.


<strong>What it says about you:</strong> If you ate meat before you became pregnant, this craving just says that you know a good meal when you see one. If you are a vegetarian who now will hunt your own cow just for the meat, this craving says you are the mom who will do anything for your kids. In either case, you're bold and refuse to conform to gender stereotypes (steakhouses are not just for men).

Diet Cola

<strong>What it says about you: </strong>You only play by the rules you believe in. You know the key to happiness is everything in moderation, and if your body wants cola, you are having cola!
What it says about you: You only play by the rules you believe in. You know the key to happiness is everything in moderation, and if your body wants cola, you are having cola!

Salty Food

<strong>What it says about you:</strong> You are the life of any party. Not terribly worried about the small things (like the fact that soy chips are probably healthier than the real deal), you like to relax, have fun, and make everyone feel comfortable. If chips are for dinner, hey, at least you're eating dinner.     <strong><a href="http://blogs.babble.com/being-pregnant/2012/01/05/what-cravings-say-about-you/" target="_hplink">For 8 more things your pregnancy cravings say about you, visit Babble.</a></strong>

For 8 more things your pregnancy cravings say about you, visit Babble.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.