These Photos Prove That the Middle East Is the Place to Go for Stargazing

Those of us who live in cities can easily forget that we see only a small percentage of the stars in the night's sky. These extraordinary images taken by photographer Daniele Cagnazzo remind us of what can be seen in the absence of light pollution, a term used by the International Dark Sky Association to describe the excessive use of artificial light.

“The Middle East is a magical place,” Cagnazzo said. “Empty and endless spaces surrounded by the silence of the night.” His photos transport us to those remote places and give us, in his words, “an occasion to admire the beauty of nature with a different dress.”

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The International Dark Sky Association is dedicated to preserving this beauty for present and future generations. They point out that, “Until recently, for all of human history, our ancestors experienced a sky brimming with stars — a night sky that inspired science, religion, philosophy, art, and literature.”

Cagnazzo’s photos let us share his experiences of gazing at the star-filled night sky in the Middle East. They remind us to value the natural beauty of the night just as we admire nature’s other gifts. His work might even inspire us to see these wonders for ourselves.

“If you are an adventurer or an off-road travel lover, this part of the world is the perfect place to be,” he said.