Photos: Browsing The Manhattan Vintage Show

On Friday, October 21st artist Debra Rapoport 66, and Lynn Dell, 81, owner of the Off Broadway Boutique, joined me on a trip to the Manhattan's Metropolitan Pavillion Vintage Show - a showcase of over 75 of the country’s top vintage clothing and antique textile dealers. After years of shopping at thrift stores, Rapoport can spot a must-have hat or bag from a mile away. With a lifetime of experience behind her, Debra is comfortable in her style and uses fashion as a way to express her creativity. Meanwhile, Dell has spent the last 40 years traveling the world buying for her store on the Upper West Side. She has a penchant for bold colors and people, and thinks that accessories are the most important part of any outfit. These ladies prove that you can be stylish at any age, that confidence is the best accessory, and that fashion should be fun.

For more of the ladies and vintage inspiration check out Ari's site:Advanced Style.

All photos by Myra Iqbal for AOL

Rapoport believes that style can be healing. She love shopping for thrift finds, like this great bag she is carrying. Vintage accessories are the perfect addition to a chic suit.
Rapoport believes that style can be healing. She love shopping for thrift finds, like this great bag she is carrying. Vintage accessories are the perfect addition to a chic suit.
Rapoport outside the Metropolitan Vintage Show getting ready to scour racks full of antique inspiration.
Rapoport outside the Metropolitan Vintage Show getting ready to scour racks full of antique inspiration.
Piazza, a milliner from Detroit, shows off a great jacket. Piazza loves vintage because of the quality of workmanship of the garments. She also loves to find pieces that are original and not mass produced.
Piazza, a milliner from Detroit, shows off a great jacket. Piazza loves vintage because of the quality of workmanship of the garments. She also loves to find pieces that are original and not mass produced.
Stella Rose Saint Clair, a local hat designer is inspired by the ladies of Advanced Style with her signature turbans and head wraps.
Stella Rose Saint Clair, a local hat designer is inspired by the ladies of Advanced Style with her signature turbans and head wraps.
Debra trying on a vintage hat.
Debra trying on a vintage hat.
At 81 years old, Lynn Dell, the Countess of Glamor, knows a thing or two about vintage accessories. She believes that hats are a great way to make a statement: "When a woman enters a room wearing a hat, everyone turns around to look at her."
At 81 years old, Lynn Dell, the Countess of Glamor, knows a thing or two about vintage accessories. She believes that hats are a great way to make a statement: "When a woman enters a room wearing a hat, everyone turns around to look at her."
Dell says, "You must dress up for the theater of your life, everyday."
Dell says, "You must dress up for the theater of your life, everyday."
Lynn Dell trying on a flamboyant vintage coat.
Lynn Dell trying on a flamboyant vintage coat.
A selection of vintage accessories, proof that leopard is always in style.
A selection of vintage accessories, proof that leopard is always in style.
Dell checking out some vintage dresses from dealer Liz Baca's of The Goods.
Dell checking out some vintage dresses from dealer Liz Baca's of The Goods.
Style is a great way for people of all generations to relate to one another.
Style is a great way for people of all generations to relate to one another.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.