Photographer's 'Snowy Cat Photoshoot' Results in Most Gorgeous Images

Snow! Is there anything more exciting than fresh snow on the ground? That blanket of white fluff makes everything feel so magical. One cat parent was so inspired by the fluff that they decided to pull their camera out and do a special photo shoot with their cat Lissy in the cold. The results of which turned out to look like true works of art.

Nils, the photographer in question, gave viewers a little behind-the-scenes look at the photo series, which featured Lissy looking particularly majestic against the white background.

The cat dad had not one but two cameras set up to get the shot. As the cameras clicked away, Nils stood above Lissy with what appears to be a light — gotta make sure there aren't any shadows in the frame! Lissy meanwhile appears to be completely at ease with the model life. The little one is plopped on a stool and doesn't move an inch as her dad moves around her trying to light up the shot. Something tells me that these two have done this before!

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Nils also shared the results of the shoot, which look absolutely gorgeous. Who knew that you could make something so amazing using just one adorable kitty and some snow?

"Snowy Cat photoshoot with Lissy," Nils wrote in the caption. "She loves sitting outside, no matter if it’s raining or snowing. And I love capturing these moments."

The man even shared a second video with even more photos from another shoot in the snow. This time the kitty was sitting on a pile of snow as Nils clicked away.

"Snowy Cat photoshoot pt. 2: shakes," the cat dad joked in the caption.

How to Take Good Cat Photos

If you're feeling a little inspired Nils, you too can take some absolutely breathtaking photos of your cat.

Fair warning, your cat might not always be cooperative. Let's face it, they are animals and aren't really known for being comfortable sitting still for long stretches of time. So the most important tip is to have patience. Never force your cat to do something it really doesn't want to do. If things aren't clicking, there's no harm in taking a break and trying to get the photos you want a little later.

Make sure your cat looks its absolute best in the pictures. Brush their fur and gently remove any crust around their eyes. Then get down to your cat's level so that your photos will be engaging. You'll want to get shots of your cat sitting, laying, or lounging, all of which happen closer to the ground!

You may need to try several different ways of getting your cat's attention. Crumple some paper, snap your fingers, offer treats, or use a toy to get them to look up. One thing you absolutely don't want to do is use flash — that's how you end up giving your cat red eyes that can look a little scary later on.

Most of all, try to have fun. Take lots of photos (you'll never know which picture will be the photo) and try lots of different angles. Taking the perfect photo takes lots of practice. Luckily you'll be shooting a very cute subject so it shouldn't be such too tough of a task.

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