A PEZ Advent Calendar Is Here to Help You Countdown to Christmas

We’re less than a week away from Black Friday, meaning that we can finally start talking about Christmas without hurting Thanksgiving’s feelings. We’re also less than a week away from the start of advent calendar season, and there have been no shortage of fun options this year.

While ripping spiked seltzer or stuffing your face with cheese are both great ways to mark the first 24 days of December, they both pale in comparison to this clever idea for a PEZ dispenser advent calendar. The 12 Days of Christmas PEZ set offers a dozen uniquely-designed dispensers that commemorate the various gifts mentioned in the classic, repetitive carol.

Obviously, a PEZ dispenser is also a vessel for delivering bite-sized candy. In that regard, this holiday offering doesn’t disappoint. The 12 Days of Christmas set is loaded with sugar cookie flavored PEZ candy, which feels like a fitting flavor to launch into your mouth while opening presents. There are twelve included refills (one for each dispenser), meaning you shouldn’t have to worry about running out until at least sometime in 2020.

Watch: Target’s Cheese Advent Calendar Is Back—And Only $20

Even better, this particular set of holiday PEZ dispensers are capable of serving as ornaments for your tree, as an image on the back of the box indicates. That’s a great way to clandestinely place a present not under but on the tree if you feel like getting creative with your gift delivery.

Now that it’s almost a socially acceptable time for stocking up on Christmas gifts, you can look for this PEZ 12 Days of Christmas advent calendar/ornament set at retailers like Walmart and Target for a suggested retail price of $7.99. They’re limited edition (as is everything holiday-themed, if you think about it), but I’m begging you to please not leave Thanksgiving early to go camp out for this. I’m sure there will be more than enough to go around.