Pet Pigeon Has the Funniest Way of Trying to Stop Owner From Doing Homework

Imagine trying to explain this to your teacher!

We've all heard the classic excuse, "the dog ate my homework," but have you ever heard of a pigeon messing with assignments? Yep--it's totally a real thing! @Yugithepigeon couldn't resist messing with his owner while they were trying to get homework done, and it's actually hilarious.

We're not sure anyone would believe this bird owner's claims unless they got it on tape, but luckily--that's exactly what they did! Now there's no denying just how chaotic Yugi really is.

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LMAO! We love the different ways Yugi tries to get his owner's attention. Clearly, he doesn't understand how valuable schoolwork can be for a young mind!

Viewer @paula_pudding03 imagined what the conversation might look like at school the next day. When the teacher asks, "why didn't you do your homework?" Yugi's owner will have to say, "my pigeon told me not to." How the heck does a person respond to that?

Better yet, how does Yugi's owner respond to such a restless bird? @Sailorlibras was completely on-point when she said, "the pigeon runs around like 'eh, human, what we gonna do?! What you doing?? Lemme see.'“ It's so true! Even if he wasn't trying to interrupt homework time, though, that's precisely what happened.

"Tutorial how to pigeon," wrote @endaye_. Haha! Maybe this bird was looking for some homework of his own, or maybe he was just trying to get his owner's attention. We just hope they were able to finish their homework in time!

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