Pet Parent Tries to Protect Christmas Tree From Cat and the Plan Backfires Miserably

He's the cat that stole Christmas.

Cats love nothing more than Christmas decorations and they are so happy that we went through all this trouble just to decorate for them! 

TikTok account @OllieOllieoxenfree posted this amazing video where she attempted to cat-proof her Christmas tree and well, you'll have to watch to see how well that went. 

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Welp, securing it to the ceiling just made it a cat-ac-ro-batic (See what we did there?) device for swinging. That's helpful. 

@LauraV hilariously posts, "All you managed to do was make the Christmas tree MORE enticing..." AngelineRodriguezCruz has just given up on all of this, commenting, "I love seeing cat parents try to figure this out, I just buy a new thrift store tree every year and I kind of gave up." @Sinfluencer says, "That cat really did just cat." LOL cats gotta cat. He totally came in like a wrecking ball

One option is to create a separate tree simply for the cat but we all know as soon as we did that our cats would have zero interest. It's only great if it's forbidden!

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