Tell Me About A Time When Your Pet Saved You From A Potentially Life-Threatening Or Dangerous Situation

We truly do not deserve pets (or animals in general). There are so many sweet, gentle, intuitive, and genius creatures that help us every day in ways we may never even realize. Few things are more special than pets seeing their humans as part of the pack and treating them and protecting them as such.

Young couple and their dog camping in the mountains on a beautiful autumn day
Djordje Krstic / Getty Images

So, I wanted to ask the pet owners of the BuzzFeed Community to tell me about a time when your pet saved you from a dangerous situation.

Maybe you remember a time when you were around seven or eight, playing outside with your dog in the front yard. While you were playing, you looked up and spotted another dog from the neighborhood, dead set and quickly running at you. Before you could even comprehend what was going on so you could get up and run, your dog had already spotted the intruder and leaped on them before they even had the chance to reach you. While your dog may have sadly gotten a bite or two, they saved your life.

two dogs playing fighting in the grass
Dimarik / Getty Images

Or maybe you were going for a ride on your horse down a familiar trail. However, when you came to your usual fork in the road, you were pushing your horse to go left like always, but they insisted on going right. Finally giving up and following their direction, when the forks met at a pond, you could see a very unfriendly bobcat sizing you up from your regular path.

Woman horseback riding in forest trail in winter
Sitikka / Getty Images

Maybe during the middle of the night, a small fire somehow sparked in your house while you were asleep. Just moments before the fire started to burn out of control, your usually very lazy and calm cat was adamantly trying to get your attention. Meowing, licking your face, pouncing on your chest — it took you a moment before you realized you could smell smoke, and your cat was trying to wake you up and let you know.

girl with candle and cat
Nelli Polle / Getty Images

Whatever the situation your pet saved you from, I would love to know. Feel free to share your experience in the comments below, or if you would like to remain anonymous, you can fill out this form. The most detailed responses will be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!