Pest Control Expert Shares Method for Permanently Controlling Pests During New Construction

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No matter how cute they are with their tiny noses and long whiskers, mice and rats are nuisances in and around a home. They dig destructive tunnels, burrow in walls and chew on electrical wires and plumbing tubes, get into, eat, and poop in outdoor animal feed, and make nests in your sofa and insulation of your walls. Termites and carpenter bees love wood, and in the wild eat at decaying trees, but urbanly they chew at wooden structures, aka a house, causing extreme damage. Pests in home are obviously painful to deal with, and preventing them before they become a problem is key for long term headaches. One professional pest expert, YouTube user @builderbrigade posted a video showing the simplest ways to prevent future pest invasion for new construction homes, check it out!

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Summertime brings lots of wonderful things. It brings new plant life with fresh emerging green grass and beautiful wildlife. It brings warmth and sunshine and gets rid of cold and raindrops. It brings together families and friends and enjoyment of being outdoors. With all the good also comes some bad… in the form of pests. From yellowjackets and wasps forming nests in your home, mosquitos buzzing painfully in your ear, and moles digging a mound in your perfectly maintained yard, they are frustrating but just a part of the summer season.

We all have experience with pests, and wow is it frustrating, but the minute they enter our homes or walls of our homes the problem gets even bigger, and much more dangerous. This man’s tips for new builds are simple to do measures that can prevent long term headaches.

Treating the studs of your framing with products that pests can’t live in is an easy and cheap solution for potential damaging effects, sure it takes time now but prevents future damages. The man also shows a unique tube that can be strung through your walls and looks similar to electrical wires. This would be a great idea for areas that experience a lot of pests, such as humid areas like Florida. It spot treats directly and is extremely effective.

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