This Personalized Coffee Subscription Made My Mornings 10 Times Better

Subscriptions are a dime a dozen, and coffee subscriptions are no different. So, when one from Driftaway Coffee hit my desk, I was skeptical. Turns out, my fears of bland-roasted mediocrity were unfounded. It's delightful. 

At its root it's a straightforward whole-bean coffee subscription, but what sets Driftaway apart is small, personalized details that elevate the whole brewing and drinking experience.

Before you get a full bag of beans, you’ll receive a tasting kit ($8) with four different, single-origin coffees from around the world. From there, you can decide which you like best and customize your deliveries moving forward. The bags are styled to look like vintage baggage tags, to represent the long journey the beans have taken, and include information like tasting notes, profile (fruity, classic bold or balanced) and the date the beans were roasted. For the record, I'm a balanced medium roast girl.

As an additional personalized touch, each bag is also printed with your name. Superficial as it sounds, aesthetics—especially of things on the kitchen counter—are important to me. Driftaway is minimalist and chic, and I'm totally smitten keeping it in plain sight. 

Each box also comes with a “coffee story” about the beans and the people who grew them. For example, the Peruvian beans in my tasting kit were produced by a cooperative in Cajamarca that’s devoted to helping women succeed as coffee growers. (You go, girls.) In a similar spirit, a portion of the proceeds of every bag Driftaway sells goes to World Coffee Research, an organization that seeks to protect and enhance supplies of quality coffee while improving the livelihoods of the families who produce it.

As far as small luxuries go, Driftaway’s subscriptions are reasonably priced, with bags ranging in size from 7 ounces to 32 ounces (costing $12 to $34) available for weekly, bi-weekly or monthly deliveries.

If you’re the type of person who’s constantly trying new roasters, Driftaway might not be for you. But if you're like me and you just want a good cup of coffee every morning, go forth and caffeinate.

RELATED: Every Single Coffee Order, Explained