Personal Trainer Reveals The Easiest Pre-Skiing Parking Lot Warm Ups

Despite skiing being physically intense, it's common for participants to treat it like a casual activity, neglecting warm-ups and starting the first run of the day stiff as a board.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Certified personal trainer and snowboarder Kailey Lewis recently covered a series of quick and easy warm-ups that you can do in the parking lot before you hit the slopes.

As anyone near or above 30 knows, these types of warm-ups are worth their weight in gold. Nothing sucks more than straight-lining a mogul field at 9 a.m. while your stiff knees feel like they're about to explode. Luckily, avoiding that nasty sensation is pretty straightforward—move your body before skiing.

This video reminded me of a debate my older brother and his friends used to have in the lodge before skiing.

One posse member was into static stretching pre-skiing, whereas another was against it. The doubter asked a question I still haven't forgotten because it was so ridiculous, "Does a lion stretch before he hunts?"

Obviously, the answer is no—lions don't even know what stretching is, let alone the difference between dynamic and static stretching (dynamic stretches are moving whereas static stretches are fixed and unmoving).

As silly as it was, there's a kernel of truth to the rhetoric. Avoiding static stretching pre-workout has fallen out of vogue with fitness experts, so it's probably fallen out of vogue with lions, too.

But Kailey Lewis' pre-skiing exercises are dynamic, not static, meaning they're certified lion-safe and a good way to avoid creaky knees. Happy hunting.

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