Persian Cat Celebrates the Holidays Just Chilling Out in the Pool

Now this is one cool cat!

Minki is an absolutely gorgeous rescue Persian cat who belongs to TikTok account holder @TheZenKitty and Minki celebrated the holidays in the best way possible, especially considering how horrific the storms were over the last few weeks for most of the country. Minki didn't have to worry about the snow and cold, because they were living their best life relaxing in a pool, you know, like umm.. most cats do. 

Okay, so the majority of cats don't do this, but just watch the following video to see one cat who does and see if you don't feel a little bit jealous. 

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We love how she just jumps right in without a care in the world on her little float! TikTok account holder @Curiousness5 comments, "Omg I love your kitty! She's so gorgeous and cute." We love her grumpy little face, and so does @ILikesushisushi who comments, "I've made a new discovery! The fluffier your cat is the grumpier it looks!" 

She's just too precious. We would love an invitation to get in the pool right next to her! Seems like a perfect way to spend the holidays!

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