How to Perform a Meadows Row for a Wider, Stronger Back

From Men's Health

If you haven’t tried this smart landmine Meadows row, Jeff Cavaliere, C.S.C.S., a physical therapist and strength coach best known on social media for his Athlean-X training program, is here to remind you of its awesomeness.

“The arc and the angle are much different when using a landmine setup instead of a dumbbell,” Cavaliere explains in a recent Instagram post. “The feet grounded on the floor (rather than one knee up on the bench) provides a much lower risk of inguinal hernia. The use of the legs turns it into more of a total body movement with a capability of handling heavier weights. If you’ve never tried this I encourage you to.”

Here’s how to do it the right way:

  • Secure a barbell in a landmine attachment or, if your gym doesn’t have one, in a corner formed by two walls. Make sure to wrap the sleeve of the barbell in a towel if you take that option.

  • Set up so that, when the barbell is on the floor, its end is smack dab between your feet, just in front of your toes.

  • Use at least one large rubber weight plate so that the barbell is elevated to mid-shin height when resting on the floor. (Secure with a weight clip.)

  • Use a pronated (overhand) grip.

  • Initiate the movement by squeezing your shoulder blades, pulling through the lats and driving the elbow back.

  • During the pull, push through the heels to slightly extend the hips and involve the glutes and spinal erectors. (This is what Cavaliere does in the video, but if you want to really isolate the lats, keep your hips and knees stationary. All movement should come from the shoulder and elbow.)

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