Perdue Foods Recalled Nearly 32,000 Pounds Of Chicken Tenders, Nuggets, Strips, And Patties

Photo credit: Perdue
Photo credit: Perdue

From Delish

Perdue Foods recalled approximately 31,703 pounds of ready-to-eat chicken products, including chicken tenders, nuggets, and strips, the USDA announced yesterday. The frozen products in question may contain extraneous materials; more specifically, pieces of bone material.

This is classified as a Class I Recall, which means the risk is high: "This is a health hazard situation where there is a reasonable probability that the use of the product will cause serious, adverse health consequences or death."

The recalled products were produced on March 21, 2019 and include these specific packages:

The items were shipped to grocery stores nationwide, so do check your freezer if you've purchased any of these products recently. If you do have any that match the labels above, don't eat them. While there have been no reports of adverse reactions due to eating the recalled products, the USDA and Perdue still advise against eating them; instead, throw them out or return them to the place of purchase.

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