People Who Won A "Lifetime Supply" Of Something Are Sharing What It Was Actually Like

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A bit ago, we wrote about people who won lifetime supplies of things — and now we're back for even more! Here are a bunch of new lifetime supply winner stories...along with some responses from people who won a year's supply of something.

1."At age 14, I won a lifetime subscription to Rolling Stone magazine in a radio contest. That was 1993. The latest edition arrived just last week. That magazine has followed me through high school, college, marriage, divorce, the birth of my kid, and all through the present day. From Britney to Cardi B. I sometimes wonder which will last longer: me or Rolling Stone?"


2."My brother won a 'lifetime supply of French fries' from a local Burger King franchise in the late 90s. He got a card and the rules were ‘two free large fries each week for 25 years’ and then nontransferable. Not sure how they tracked it, but he went constantly, moved away for 10 years, and then moved back. They still honored the card when he went back after spending 10 minutes discussing it with the manager. ... It expires May 31 of this year."


3."At the Big 12 championships in I believe 2007, Chik-Fil-A sponsored a giveaway for a 'lifetime supply' of chicken sandwiches under 12 seats in the Alamodome in San Antonio. I was lucky enough to sit in one of those seats, and the prize included a folder with 52 coupons for a free chicken sandwich meal. So less lifetime supply, and more of a 'once a week for a year' supply, but I really wasn’t about to complain about the technicality. 52 free sandwich combos was still worth about 400 bucks at the time — I still consider it one of my luckiest moments, and at 14 years old it was pretty mind-blowing!"


  Sony Pictures Releasing
Sony Pictures Releasing

4."I had a roommate who won a lifetime supply of Taco Bell. He had this card that got $10 a day every day. Back then, $10 in taco bell went a long way and he was a starving student, so he ate at Taco Bell every day for years. He knew every single thing on the menu."

"He also was happy to loan it out to people. It was actually a really good deal."


5."I won a year's supply of Monster energy drinks in college and my dorm was stacked with pallets of them for 3-4 months. They were basically a free for all for my dorm hall mates — it helped me make some new friends!"


6."I clicked on one of those ads in the old internet circa 2000 and filled out a survey during computer class in the 6th grade. Now every month since then I receive 31 snack sized Cheetos bags in a box straight from frito-lay. I got two week suspension for clicking it. Worth it, fuck authority."


7."My mom almost ate the white M&M that they promoted like 25 years ago — if you find it, send it in, you get a lifetime supply of M&Ms. They sent us a voucher pack that almost no store would take, but still managed to make it though the lifetime supply in about one month (granted there were eight siblings). Probably for the best, though."


  u/bbm9 / Via

8."In elementary school, I got the option to choose a lifetime supply of chocolate milk or a cruise vacation. My parents chose the cruise vacation when I wanted to choose the chocolate milk instead. They ended up going without me which hurt my feelings. I'm financially free now and travel every month and whenever they ask me to bring them along I always bring it up."

"(My school had a milk program where every lunch I would get a small carton of chocolate milk and there was a prize if your milk carton moo'd when opening it.)"


9."Won a year's worth of movies from 7-Eleven when they did a McDonald's monopoly style contest back in the early 2010s. They sent me $1300 in gift cards for Cineplex (when movies were $13 for a ticket). So a couple could go once a week. With points cards and club memberships I milked those gift cards for three years. To be fair though, there aren't 50 movies a year I want to see in a theatre."


10."I won a year's supply of Red Bull. They shipped me around 200 Red Bulls all at once. I threw a party and finished them all that night."


  Alexander Sayganov/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images
Alexander Sayganov/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

11."When I was a little kid, my family and I happened to move to a new city, and the first or second night there we decided to try a new Chinese restaurant nearby. We didn’t realize it was the inaugural evening, but there weren’t very many costumers. Yet the owner of the table waited on us himself and he was very sweet and friendly. Had just immigrated from China recently. He gave my family a free voucher to eat there for free for life since we were one of the few people actually to show up at all that night. (I remember it was a big golden ticket like Willy Wonka.) Sadly, the restaurant closed within a year. I always wonder how he’s doing. My family was very poor back then and we would go there every month, which felt special. I’m sure it wasn’t the greatest Chinese food in the world, but I still remember how the Orange Chicken tasted."


12."Back in the 1980s, I got a card for one free battery a week for life from RadioShack. It was like the 'Battery Club' monthly cards, but a few of the weekly lifetime cards were made by the new local RadioShack for a school game night. I won it from the balloon darts. Plot twist; I still have a different local store that has the RadioShack name, and the guy there honors the card."


13."In 2010, when I was a freshman in college, I entered a raffle for a free four-year supply of condoms from Trojan. After I was told that I won, I had to fill out some basic demographic info: name, age, race, gender, major, etc. They then sent me just one condom. Still have it."


14."I was on a game show in 2003 and won a year's worth of Domino's pizza. It turned out to be $250 in vouchers. I was in college and me and my friends burned through most of it on April 20th."



15."I won free Arby's for a year. They sent me $420 in gift cards."


And relatedly..."About 13 or 15 years ago when I was in college, Arby's ran a promotion where if you input the code on your receipt to take a survey, you can get a free junior roast beef sandwich. The thing was, when you went to get your free sandwich, they had to print out a promo receipt. Which had another code. It was an infinite junior roast beef sandwich glitch.

I ate hundreds of junior roast beef sandwiches that year. I'd just sit in the restaurant and input surveys 4 or 5 times for lunch and dinner.

It was glorious. And deadly."


16."I won a year at the movies from Showcase cinema in like 1995. They sent us 104 'admit one to any movie' coupons that expired in a year (10 months once we got the tickets in the mail) My mother used a paper cutter to trim the top of the ticket where the expiration date was and we went to free movies for YEARS. It was awesome. No blackouts. No format issues. No restrictions at all."


17."A couple years ago my friend won Cedar Points (amusement park) Halloween costume contest and received a life long annual pass. It’s a special gold colored pass and comes with of a bunch of other perks. I am very jealous."

"It was a group costume with his parents and they were a roller coaster car that had like a fake lower body but their upper body was them."


18."My parents won a year supply of Mars bars in the 90s. It was glorious for a month or so for my 6-year-old self, then we started to give them away. If I never have a Mars bar again in my lifetime it might still be too much: even the smell of them makes me dry heave after nearly 30 years."


  HBO Max

19."My hometown has a minor league baseball team. I won a year’s supply of Pepsi from beating a mascot in a race at the ball park when I was seven. I didn’t realize the prize was Pepsi until I won (I just wanted to meet the mascot, Scout!) and I hated soda as a kid. So when Scout handed me my first six-pack of Pepsi as my prize, I said, 'well, this’ll last me the whole year because I won’t drink it' and my parents forfeited my prize to the second place kid. The park gave me a t shirt instead and a baseball frame for the picture I got with the mascot instead so I think I came out on top."


20."I won two tickets to every event at a theater near me for a whole year. I probably saw 15 concerts and 20 comedy shows that year. I was offering tickets to my friends all the time. I used them to impress my now girlfriend by taking her out all the time. Lol. That was a fun year."


21."I won a lifetime [of] pasta from Olive Garden. It is dine-in only and it's unlimited pasta, salad, and soup...but you can of course get your leftovers to go. It will last until Olive Garden goes away or I pass away."



22."I won a lifetime supply of car washes. It was for the average life of a car, which it was calculated to be 10 years. One car wash per month, thus, 120 car washes in total."


23."My mother won a drawing for Scott paper products. It was in the '70s so I can't remember if it was supposed to be a year's worth or a lifetime supply. We got two giant flats of tissues and paper towels and toilet paper and maybe some other stuff. It really did last a very long time. It was funny going down to the basement to get a box of tissues from a virtual mountain of boxes."

"She was a very lucky person and used to win stuff all the time. Door prizes, party stuff, whatever she entered a drawing for, she was a lot more likely than you would expect to win. Too bad she never bought lottery tickets because it was gambling and therefore sinful, lol."


24."I won the Kobayashi Maru contest and won a lifetime subscription to Paramount+ and a Captain Kirk, green-wrap shirt. The Paramount+ subscription is still working great and my account shows a '100% discount for 30 years.' Never did receive the Kirk shirt. The original web game is still online, but requires Facebook to connect and that integration appears to be broken. It was a fun little adventure game and was harder than I thought it would be."


  The WB
The WB

25."My dad won a lifetime supply of cat food, but a) they delivered it all at once, and b) our cats didn’t like that flavor (of course). We donated it all to a local animal shelter who were super pleased!"


26."When a new Tropical Smoothie Cafe location opened in our neighborhood, they ran a promotion for free smoothies for a year for the first 50 people in line on opening day. My husband made me stand in line for three hours before they opened. We were 24th and 25th in line. The 'free smoothies for a year' was limited to one smoothie per week. Still, we each had 52 free smoothies. Not a bad deal."


27."My ex-wife won a one-year supply of Wendy's by taking a selfie with the cup used for soda due to a college football promotion. They sent a Wendy's gift card to our house with roughly $380 on it. How that equaled one year of burgers for one person, I have no idea. When we first got the card we went into Wendy's and bought one order of each item on the menu. We went to Wendy's so much in the coming months I realized my then college professor spent every single lunch break there due to seeing him there on multiple different occasions, haha."


28."I got a year's supply of hot pockets when I was 17 because I bit into a hot pocket that had no filling and I sent them an email pretending to be my mom complaining about it. To my surprise they actually replied and sent me a golden coupon that was good for a year. I ate so many hot pockets that I hate them now and haven't had one since."


  Universal Pictures
Universal Pictures

29."18 years ago we won a lifetime of vet visits for my cat. They expected to give it to someone with an old pet, not a new kitten. The cat’s still alive. The Vet Clinic has moved and rebranded 4 or 5 times, but they’re still honoring the award."

"([It was a] lifetime of routine checkups. Treatments and operations still had to be covered by us.)"


30."My mother bought a Toyota Yaris years ago and the dealership was running a ‘Tires for Life’ promotion. She gets free tires whenever she needs them, but she has to do all of her maintenance work at the dealership, and the deal won’t transfer if she sells the title. The dealership didn’t run the promo for long, and she was told recently she’s the only participant left from the promotion."


31."Won a lifetime supply of Monster energy drinks. They eventually stopped answering my calls and blocked me after months of saying 'they should be shipped out soon'. Never even got one drink."



32."Not a lifetime supply, but I won a year's supply of Chipotle entrees once. Came as a stack of 52 'free burrito' cards with a gilded farmer embossed on one side and a unique code on the other. At the time, they didn’t limit what I put on these freebies or when I used them, so I gave away a lot to friends, family, and the occasional homeless guy and told everyone to add guac and double meat and make the most of it. I did keep one as a memento, which I still think I should frame."


33."I once waited out a McDonalds for the grand opening. The first 100 people got free fries for the year. I was #3. It consisted of a box of 365 coupons for free medium fry. I think we gave away maybe 200+ of them. It was maybe 13-14 years ago now."


34."Won a year's worth of Chipotle burritos in the form of 52 coupons. Ate there weekly for 3-4 months, before I just got completely sick of burritos. After a couple months of not going, I went in and talked with the manager (she remembered me from my weekly visits), and asked if we could work something out. We ended up coming to an agreement, and she let me trade my 30 coupons for a catered taco bar. Brought lunch in for my coworkers one Friday and never had to go back to Chipotle."



35."I won a lifetime supply of cheerwine (local cherry soda) from a kids tv channel when I was 11. They brought two pallets of soda and unloaded it in my parents garage and it we still had some in the garage when we were moving out."


36."I won a year's worth of chicken from a Lebanese chicken shop. I was licking my lips at the thought of free chicken for a year especially drowned in enough garlic dip to ward off Dracula himself. Reading the fine print though it was only $20 a week for 52 weeks. You could drop $30-40 for one person, easy, in a sitting!"


37."I won a lifetime supply of printer paper from a Canadian retailer based on an internet contest with the purchase of a Konica Minolta. I won, and I realized quickly that I don't need that much paper. They were sending me two reams a month. I moved, and never updated my shipping address, so someone out there is getting free paper."


38."I remember a buddy's GF won a year's supply of Kraft Dinner mac and cheese. When it arrived it only had like, 200 boxes of it. Even Kraft was saying, 'you shouldn't eat this shit every day.'"


  Nicholas Kamm / AFP via Getty Images
Nicholas Kamm / AFP via Getty Images

39.And finally..."It wasn’t me but my dad and it was a year of stuff and $5000. My grandmother didn’t tell my dad she had entered him in the New Orleans Saints Cash Catch during halftime at a Winn Dixie grocery store. My dad received a call saying he won and to be present at a Jets and Saints game in 1992 at the Superdome to attempt to catch all the balls on the first shot for the grand prize. My dad, mom, me, and my principal (for some reason my dad chose him to come with him on the field) all went to the game that day. They both got to hang out with the team for a minute and then my dad was brought on to the field. My dad was the first person to catch all 3 balls on the first shot. Thank goodness he was a star athlete when he was younger."

"He won a year of groceries at Winn Dixie that we only bought steaks with the vouchers, a years supply of Coke that showed up on a pallet, Saints season tickets that we couldn’t give away for the ‘93 season because they were so bad and $5000. He’s not with us anymore but my sister now has the awesome black and white poster of him jumping in the air after catching the last ball plus an awesome VHS of the whole event to remember him by."


Have you ever won anything noteworthy in a contest? Let us know in the comments!

Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.