People Are Washing Their Faces With Seltzer, And It's Not as Silly as You Might Think

There are plenty of ways to cleanse your skin without using plain old water. From cleansing balms and oils to micellar water and makeup-removing wipes, you have your options if tap water just isn't doing it for you. But before you rule out H2O entirely, you may want to consider washing your face with a more effervescent version of it.

"Using carbonated water in beauty products, such as sheet masks and toners, has long been a trend in Japan and Korea," Soko Glam founder Charlotte Cho recently told Cosmopolitan, "and can involve DIY experiments at home using seltzer water in a bowl." So the good news is that washing your face with seltzer doesn't call for spraying yourself in the face with one of those high-powered soda siphons. The even better news is that washing your face with seltzer isn't just trendy — it has legit benefits.

"I am a tried-and-true proponent of this new trend, not only as a dermatologist but as someone who has implemented this into my skin-care routine," says Miami-based dermatologist Roberta Del Campo. "Bubbly water has a slightly acidic pH of 5.5, which coincidentally is the same pH as our skin. On the other hand, tap water has a pH of 7, which can disrupt the skin's outermost layer, leading to dryness and irritation." Furthermore, Del Campo says, carbonated water acts as a vasodilator, meaning it can improve blood supply to your skin and result in a healthier, brighter, rosier complexion.

Of course, as with regular tap water, the cleanser you use also plays a part in making the most of your face-washing ritual. That can all boil down to pH as well. "My recommendation is to use a gentle, soap-free cleanser that has a similar pH to our natural skin," Del Campo says. She and her patients are fans of Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash.

Washing one's face with carbonated water is essentially an option for everyone, Del Campo says — even those with sensitive skin. However, "For some individuals with extremely sensitive skin, the skin will need to adjust over time and, therefore, there may be initial irritation if used daily." That said, she thinks the only real drawback with using seltzer instead of water is that it costs more than what comes out of the tap — but it may very well be worth it.

"Not only is this technique actually beneficial," says says, "it is also invigorating and can be a great way to wake up your skin in the morning."

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