I Just Learned How People Are Getting Jobs Through TikTok, And I've Never Felt More Ancient

Open up TikTok on any given day, and you'll find content about literally anything and everything — and career advice is no exception. As more and more Gen Z'ers are joining the workforce, they're turning to TikTok as a place to find job-seeking tips and post their own video résumés.

Hashtags like TikTok Résumés, Work Life, and Hire Me have been viewed millions of times on the platform. And some people are even finding their jobs thanks to TikTok.

Hashtags like TikTok Résumés, Work Life, and Hire Me have been viewed millions of times on the platform. And some people are even finding their jobs thanks to TikTok.

Loic Venance / AFP via Getty Images

To learn more about how jobseekers and companies are using TikTok for professional networking, I reached out to TikTok users who've used the platform to find a job. And I also spoke with Stephanie Lovell, head of marketing at the startup hiring app Hirect, about how she uses the platform to reach jobseekers.

TikTok's official foray into the professional networking space started last summer with the launch of TikTok Résumés. In partnership with brands like Chipotle and Target, the platform encouraged users to upload video résumés and apply for jobs within the app.


Searching for your dream job? Try #TikTokResumes to create a video resume that highlights your experience, career, and best work!

♬ original sound - TikTok

To apply for jobs, users were required to submit a link to their LinkedIn profile in addition to their TikTok résumé. At the time, TikTok had a brand hub website where users could browse the available jobs.

Brianna Seaberg has one of the most-viewed video résumés on TikTok, and she says that the platform has been a big part of her recent job searches.

In her video résumé, Brianna walks viewers through her educational and work experiences and lays out her professional goal to "work at the intersection of entertainment and social media." For someone who's interested in working in this industry, I can definitely see the appeal and practicality of putting yourself out there like this on social media. And for Brianna, it's really paid off.

In an email, Brianna told me that she includes her TikTok résumé as part of her portfolio when she applies for new jobs. "This video gives recruiters an additional part of who I am, and really brings to light both my experiences and what I bring to the table, making this video very useful in my job search and application processes."

Stills from Brianna's resume showing her internship experience at HBO Max

While Brianna's video is a perfect example of a really classic video résumé, some people are getting even more creative with their uploads. Take for example Jay Beech. When Jay was made redundant at his job, he basically created a TikTok marketing campaign for himself.


I’ve been made redundant 😬 TikTok! Help me find a job please? #fyp #jobsearch

♬ original sound - Jay Beech

Complete with a song, dance, and impeccable '70s fashion, Jay's video really shows how creatives can take advantage of social media to show off what they can do. His approach is really memorable and unique, and it shows potential employers the skills that he's bringing to the table. While this might not be the right approach for workers in every industry, for a marketer, this is a genius take on the video résumé. Oh, and Jay says that it worked like a charm.

In an email, Jay told me, "The video took off, and I was very quickly getting comments, DM's, and LinkedIn requests from brands, hiring managers, and people who just wanted to pass on my details. Within two weeks, I had received several job offers and started a new position in the third week."

Stills from Jay's video resume with the text I want the world to know that I am open for work

On the company side of things, Lovell says that she's found success reaching potential recruits on TikTok, and some members of her team actually found their jobs on the platform.

Gen Z man looking at his phone at his desk at home

Brands hoping to reach Gen Z obviously need to have a presence on the platform, but Lovell says that joining forces with influencers is another key way to reach potential candidates.

Bravo / Via giphy.com

"We found that to be really, really helpful because the content comes off as very organic and natural," says Lovell. "Whereas on some of these other platforms, it just seems very produced, but TikTok is reaching audiences in a way that just feels very natural. It doesn't feel like, oh, somebody sat here and produced this video for me, and it took them 12 years, and who knows if it's actually true. It's more like, here's this influencer that has information about a certain topic, and it feels super organic. It feels like they're talking about it from their own experience and their own knowledge."

Right now, Lovell says that she mostly sees employers targeting younger, more entry level hires on TikTok. But she thinks that as the platform grows, it will include more opportunities for folks who are in the middle of their careers or even more advanced. And she's pretty optimistic about TikTok's future in professional networking.

Woman working from home showing off her cat to coworkers on Zoom

But there are some downsides to consider if you're thinking about creating a video résumé or using TikTok as part of your professional portfolio. First, videos have the potential to introduce bias into the hiring process in a way that traditional résumés typically don't.

NBC / Via giphy.com

"This is a significant ongoing challenge for all of us in the hiring and recruiting space, and, transparently, one that has yet to be fully resolved," Lovell admits. "As technology improves (the Metaverse, for example), I think there's potential for this bias to be reduced through the use of avatars and other digital representations that may or may not look anything like the candidate.

"Until then, an important step for companies and hiring managers is to simply acknowledge bias exists, and provide the tools and resources to better identify and understand it. Secondly, it's paramount that businesses invest in a diverse set of hiring professionals to ensure candidates aren't evaluated with the same, single lens."

Additionally, there's more potential for folks to experience harassment or cyberbullying on a platform like TikTok where users can be anonymous vs. a platform like LinkedIn where users are generally using their real full names and their activities are visible to their employers.

Young woman feeling stressed while looking at her phone

If you want to test the waters with a TikTok résumé, Lovell says it's a great idea to make sure your whole profile is as professional as possible. "This doesn't mean that you need to be in a suit and tie and use super formal backgrounds, but all of your content on your TikTok should be appropriate," she advises.

CBC / Via giphy.com

"If a company is looking at your TikTok profile, they're not just gonna have access to that one résumé reel; they're gonna have access to all of them. So you need to make sure that all the content is aligned with your own personal brand."

Still figuring out what your "personal brand" even is? Same, lol. Lovell suggests looking to peers in your space for inspiration. "Lean into your network, ask questions, and see what people think."

Young woman recording a video of herself at home

Brianna says that a great TikTok résumé shouldn't just repeat what's on your traditional PDF. "It's important to talk about your past experiences and work experience; however, that is something that anyone can read on a résumé. Don't repeat experiences; instead, bring more light to your personality and what makes you unique."

ABC / Via giphy.com

She also suggests adding photos of your work in action. "For my TikTok résumé, I made sure to bring in images of me doing the work I was talking about to showcase real-life pictures of me in action. This gives people even more of an insight into what I have done and how I work, which is very beneficial in the job recruiting process."

Finally, Jay's advice for adding TikTok to your job searching arsenal is simple: Be yourself. "Don't hold back, show off your strengths, but also show who YOU are. Employers can always train you up in areas you're not that strong in, and if they like who you are, they will be more willing to do that," he says.

Young woman recording a podcast

And keep on trying if at first you don't succeed. "Don't put all your hopes into one piece of content. If one thing didn't work, create another, and keep going until you find the content that does."

Tirachard / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Have you used TikTok to network for jobs? Would you try it? Tell us about your experiences in the comments!

And for more stories about work and money, check out the rest of our personal finance posts.