15 People Are Getting Very Candid About Their IRL Plastic Surgery Experiences — And Whether Or Not They Have Any Regrets

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For a variety of reasons, many people may choose to get a cosmetic procedure done in their lifetime — but it's not always talked about openly. (And that's even with cosmetic and non-cosmetic surgical procedures reportedly increasing each year.)

A woman and her doctor smiling

For some, the results are not everything they hoped they'd be, while others couldn't be more satisfied with their experience. Both takeaways are valid — and important to discuss with transparency.

Kim Kardashian posing with her plastic surgeon

In an effort to encourage more open and honest conversations about this, I asked the BuzzFeed Community if they've ever gotten a cosmetic procedure done, and what their experience was like. I received quite a few answers and wanted to share some of them.

kim kardashian getting an eye procedure done

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.


1."I had a breast reduction in September 2022 after wanting one for 20 years. I could not be happier. My neck pain immediately went away and my chronic low back pain is significantly improved. (I have a spinal alignment issue so it'll never be fully gone.) I was kind of surprised by the length of my recovery. Even though I did extensive research and spoke at length with my doctor, I kind of expected myself to bounce back really quickly and that definitely did not happen. I would say it was a solid 12 weeks until I was feeling 100%, but it was absolutely worth it. Sensation in my nipples comes and goes which is honestly pretty funny to me, but otherwise, no lingering issues and I'm the happiest I've ever been with my body."


2."I've been getting Botox in my forehead for about two years. I was approaching my mid-thirties and getting self-conscious about some forehead wrinkles. Botox essentially made them disappear. It didn't hurt much either. Eventually, the cost — about $350 per visit, every three months — on top of other bills and necessities was hard to justify. I also realized that I missed being able to raise my eyebrows when having conversations! I don't regret it at all, but for me, it just wasn't worth the cost of the upkeep."

A woman pointing to her Botox in her forehead
A woman pointing to her Botox in her forehead


—Christina, 35

3."I had bilateral blepharoplasty eyelid surgery. I had a lot of extra skin on my lids and as I got older I noticed how heavy they looked on my eyes. The procedure lasted about an hour and a half and I was awake the whole time. I felt no pain during or after the surgery. I looked super healed by the second week. I regret not doing it sooner! Now I’m able to wear eyeshadow and eyeliner and I love the way my eyes look more awake."

—Anonymous, 32

kylie jenner getting an eye procedure done

4."Last year I had my eyebrows micro-bladed and I believe it was a good decision. Ever since I started having my brows waxed, I’ve felt very insecure about my natural brow shape. The insecurities only worsened as my eyebrows started to grow thinner as a result of waxing, threading, and using razors. The woman who micro-bladed my brows was amazing. She had the same insecurities about her natural brows and she knew how important it was for me to feel beautiful. It cost me $500 and it took her six hours to complete and looks completely natural. I love being happy with my face when I wake up in the morning."

A woman's microbladed brows

—Yvette, 31


5."I've had lip fillers and breast augmentation. For what I paid for the lip injections (about two syringes), it was not worth the barely-noticeable result. My breast augmentation, however, was totally worth it. I picked a surgeon that did great work, and his staff was incredibly nice and available for anything I needed or had questions about. Recovery wasn't bad. I had some limitations and swelling but I healed quickly. I love my result!"

two surgeons sitting at their desk at their office



6."At age 58, I had a mini neck lift to deal with jowls. I got a terrible infection and had to have a drain put in my neck — twice. I got a hematoma and now am dealing with awful scars and keloids. I regret it deeply. The doctor is board certified but I guess stuff happens. She has tried to make it right but nothing is going to take care of these huge scars behind my ears and on my neck. So depressing."

A woman getting her face lasered



7."I got two of my upper teeth (the ones next to the front teeth) replaced with veneers 10–15 years ago when I was in my late teens/early 20s. My natural teeth there were smaller and gave me gaps and major smile insecurity. I am aware that I will have to get them replaced at some point, but I would do it a thousand times over. I think my cost was around $1500, and I was lucky enough to have it paid for by my grandmother. I will very happily pay for the replacements when they’re needed now that I’m an adult. 15 years of smiling in pictures have been wonderful. Highly recommend conservative cosmetic dentistry when well thought out."

a dentist holding tools

—B, 32

Luis Alvarez / Getty Images

8."I got rhinoplasty (which is about the outward appearance of the nose) and septoplasty (which addresses internal abnormalities) in January 2021 after years of contemplating. I went to one of the least expensive (yet still well-known) surgeons I could find in the LA area. I have a very high pain tolerance, so I wasn’t afraid of recovery. I was mostly afraid because I read that some people [are shocked] when they look in the mirror after the cast is removed because they don’t recognize themselves. I got super lucky because I had minimal swelling and all of my bruisings only lasted less than two weeks. I found that if you can laugh about your temporary funny smile, small nose, and puffy eyes and just look forward to your overall results — rhinoplasty is a breeze. I just recommend not wearing glasses during your recovery period, because I have a small dent on my bridge still two years later. I plan on doing a non-surgical procedure to hopefully get rid of it soon!"

a woman in a surgeon's office saying, "i am so happy."

9."I had weight loss surgery 11 months ago. It was the best thing I’ve ever done. I have lost 119 pounds. and I haven’t been this size since I was 11 years old. (I am 29 now). It has changed my life. I no longer have high blood pressure, I now have regular periods — I previously had never had a natural period due to being so overweight. I have a lot of loose skin which I’ll probably get taken care of at some stage but for now, I am very happy with spending my life savings on this surgery."


10."I've been getting Botox injections for about a year. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about Botox and the 'frozen face' effect. What I didn't know is that if you are a 'moderate' user — ranging from 40 to 80 units, maybe even 120 units — per year, most likely you will not have the frozen face so many celebrities sport. So far, I've gotten done with the frown line between my eyebrows and my crow's feet. What I found works best for me is alternating the injections, so that my eyebrows don't look 'too high' or my forehead looks unnatural. I just got the frown line in the middle of my forehead retouched after 10 months. Not a bad deal, and overall better results than most expensive creams."


11."I’ve always been self-conscious about my front teeth. While getting a cavity filled, I asked my dentist to shave down my front teeth and he did. The whole thing took about three minutes and completely changed my smile. I could not be happier! Something so minor gave me such a major confidence boost. I have zero regrets and would absolutely make the decision to do it again."


two surgeons saying, "we did a fantastic job."

12."I had laser liposuction done on my lower abdomen and was so excited to finally be getting rid of that trouble area. It’s standard for the patient to be awake during the procedure —which I did not know going in. I suffer from severe anxiety and had terrible consecutive panic attacks during the procedure in which the nurse had to hold me down because I was moving because I was in such excruciating pain. To say it was traumatizing would be an understatement. Many people have gotten this procedure done while awake and have been fine but for me, it was hell. I do love the results though and just wish I had been made aware of the details going in."


13."I did Cool Sculpting on my lower stomach and under my chin. Didn’t work, truly a waste of money. It was around $2,500. Don’t ever do it, people."


14."I had laser hair removal on my legs and a Brazilian. I went for a total of three treatments. The first was very mild, with no pain, and very minor little zings around the ankles where the skin is thinner. I experienced a minor rash on the bikini line that took a few days to disappear but I was told this was a very normal reaction. The second time, it was slightly more painful around the ankles but nothing crazy. However, when I got home I ended up with hives from knee to ankle that took about two weeks to heal. They were so itchy it was unbearable. The third time I went I showed photos of the hives and was again told it was totally normal so proceeded with the third treatment. This was my mistake. Again it was slightly painful around the ankles but nothing crazy."

"I left and everything was normal, just slightly red. I had an event that evening and as the evening wore on, my legs became itchier and itchier and the pressure in my ankles was building. When I got home from the event I looked at my legs. They were bright red from knee to ankle and small little yellow blisters were forming. My ankles were swollen and my legs felt full of fluid and were burning. I went to bed that night and barely slept because the pain and pressure kept building.

By the time I woke up in the morning, I had blisters two-inches in diameter full of fluid protruding from around my legs. I reached out to a friend for advice and she urged me to go to the ER right away. They had to lance the blisters and I was on IV antibiotics, steroids, and medicated bandages for three days, and oral steroids and antibiotics for a week. They don’t know still whether it was an allergic reaction or a second-degree burn but the experience was terrible and so disgusting. And now I’m terrified to have any laser procedures done!"


a doctor taking off a patient's nose bandage

15."I had a crown lengthening procedure to correct my 'gummy' smile. I'd always been made fun of growing up for my tiny teeth. I had anxiety about it daily. I was always hyperconscious of smiling or laughing in public and did everything I could to avoid having my picture taken. After seeing my candid wedding photos, I developed a habit of covering my mouth with my hand whenever I smiled. My parents paid a lot of money for orthodontics when I was a kid, so I felt guilty that I wasn't happy with my teeth. After researching, I found crown lengthening as an option for a permanent solution. I was nervous to bring it up to my dentist but he was very supportive and recommended a specialist."

"The specialist validated my concerns and told me it was his favorite procedure to do because of the immediate gratification, so I didn't feel like a burden taking up his time. I saved up and scheduled the procedure as a gift to myself for my 30th birthday. I took one day off of work and had some swelling, but it was an easy procedure overall. They ended up coding it so my insurance covered most of it and my FSA covered the rest. I only told a few people I was having it done and most people don't notice the difference, but the daily anxiety is gone. I'm not afraid to smile. It felt like my gummy smile defined me and now I can just be me. I 100% would recommend."

—Anonymous, 30

If you've ever had a cosmetic procedure done and feel comfortable sharing, tell me about your experience in the comments below or in this anonymous form.