People Think Selena Gomez Ripped Off an Artist!

From Cosmopolitan

Have you watched Selena Gomez's video for "Back to You" yet? Because it's great!

But also, it MIGHT look pretty familiar if you're a fan of popular artist Sarah Bahbah. You've probably seen Bahbah's work all over Instagram, but she's well-known for her super colorful photos (sometimes featuring celebs!) that are overlaid with captions-and Selena's video is erm...pretty similar in aesthetic.

Here's some of Bahbah's work:

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'Je T'aime...Moi Non Plus', @itsnotsonia. #iloveyoumeneither

A post shared by Sarah Bahbah (@sarahbahbah) on Feb 27, 2018 at 2:19pm PST

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And here's the vibe from Selena's video:

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A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on May 31, 2018 at 3:41pm PDT

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A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on May 31, 2018 at 3:12pm PDT

{% endverbatim %}

Twitter and Instagram are full of fans chatting out similarities between the video and Bahbah's work, and while some people seem unimpressed...

...Others are coming to Selena's defense:

Meanwhile, Bahbah took it to Instagram Stories and made it pretty clear how she feels:

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

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