People Think 'You' Season 5 Is Already In The Works

you penn badgley as joe goldberg in episode 407 of you cr courtesy of netflix © 2023
'You' Season 5: Cast, Release Date, Spoilers, MoreNetflix

People have been obsessed with Netflix's hit series You ever since Penn Badgley took on the role of intensely obsessive creeper, Joe Goldberg, back in 2018. Well, the last few episodes of season 4 just dropped today and, while everyone assumed this was the end for Joe... it looks like fans may not be saying goodbye to this erotomaniac just yet.

Spoiler alert: Joe ends Part II of season 4 with his new lover, Kate, and even survives a near-drowning, but the final scene suggests his evil alter-ego Rhys isn’t done just yet. So, it’s on to season 5...maybe. Here’s everything we know about the possibilities for You season 5 so far.

Has season 5 been confirmed?

Okay, so *technically* You season 5 hasn’t been confirmed by Netflix, but there have been some super solid hints that it’ll be coming soon. Director Sera Gamble recently told The Hollywood Reporter that there are plans for season 5, provided Netflix and all other parties involved are down.

“We have an idea for season 5 that we’re excited about,” she said. “It was never anyone’s intention to run this one into the ground. When we’re done, we’ll be done. And we’ll pack it up. Even in the early conversations with Penn, the idea was not to crank out episodes forever; it’s to feel like we have told the complete story."

What will happen in You season 5?

Great question! Season 4 leaves off with Joe seemingly wanting to move on from his past crimes and do some good in the world. In fact, he even ends up helping Kate turn her late father’s company into a philanthropic foundation. But the final scene with Rhys suggests that Joe isn’t totally finished with his murderous past.

Still, season 5 could bring with it a full circle moment for this controversial main character.

"I feel like tonally, we’re very different and we are not trying to sell Joe as any kind of a hero with a straight face," Gamble told THR. "This is a show that is in the tradition of these single-lead shows with a guy who does increasingly bad things. The beautiful thing about it is that when his arc is complete, so is the show.”

When will season 5 be released?

There’s no word from Netflix right now, but that could change if they officially confirm the fifth season. Filming for season 4 started in March 2022, and the first part of that season was released in February of 2023. So, it's possible fans will be gifted season 5 during the summer of 2024...but only time will tell.

What have the directors said?

Gamble previously said that there’s a chance Joe’s story could go on for a while. “I am not scared at all of saying that we definitely could follow Joe for several more seasons,” she told The Hollywood Reporter before the release of season 3.

But again, Gamble also said that she doesn't want to show to go on too long.'s a little vague at this point.

Who will be in the cast?

Joe is still alive, so Penn Badgley will (most likely) be returning. Also, Joe was with Kate at the end of the season, which suggests actress Charlotte Ritchie will be in the mix, too.

Beyond that, it’s not clear who else will be in the show as it moves forward.

Is there a trailer?

Nope, there is no trailer for season 5 just yet. But something tells us it—and an entirely new season—is coming up soon.

Stay tuned for more details on You season 5!

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