People Who Were Dramatically Broken Up With Are Sharing Their Stories, And They Truly Sound Like Something Out Of A Sad Rom-Com

Earlier this month, actor Shannon Woodward (Westworld, Raising Hope, The Riches) asked people on Twitter, "What's the worst way you got dumped?" And when I tell you I was not ready for these responses — I WAS NOT READY!

Closeup of Shannon Woodward
Jeff Kravitz / FilmMagic / Getty Images

Let's just say I wouldn't wish this type of heartbreak on anyone:

what’s the worst way you ever got dumped?

— Shannon Woodward (@shannonwoodward) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @shannonwoodward

1. Birthday Backlash:

I was a pharmacist. My ex-wife & I were friends since kids. My work week got hectic & I got home late one day to a cupcake on the table. Forgot my wife’s birthday. She ended up cheating on me & leaving me for an investor who took her on business trips.

— 皇麥克 (@DatGuy_DeMike) June 7, 2023

Twitter: @DatGuy_DeMike

2. Evil Email:

An ex emailed me a numbered list of reasons we were breaking up and CCed our mutual friends. When I asked her why she did it that way, she said it would've been too much work to tell everyone individually.

— Aubrey Gordon (she/her/hers) (@yrfatfriend) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @yrfatfriend

3. Relationship Renege:

he asked for an open relationship i said sure then he panicked and said i was hoping you’d say no

— yamini :) (@showmetheyamz) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @showmetheyamz

Michael Scott crying
Michael Scott crying


4. Destructive Day:

I totaled my car on my way home from a really bad day at work. My gf met me at the accident site. Then I got a call from my work firing me and my gf broke up with me right there on the side of the 101. That’s gotta be the worst lol.

— Lauren McKenzie (@TheMcKenziest) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @TheMcKenziest

5. Hospital Heartbreak:

I had just turned 20, and a few days later, my mom had a heart attack. A week later, on Dec. 26th, we took her off life support. My gf decided she couldn't handle the sadness/grief I was experiencing and broke up with me at the hospital.

— Editor / Maverick Gaymers 🌈 (@MaverickGamersX) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @MaverickGamersX

6. Soulmate Session:

I gifted him a session with a psychic and the psychic told him that his ex was his soul mate so he moved back in with her.

— Gabby Sidibe (@GabbySidibe) June 8, 2023

Twitter: @GabbySidibe

Yup, that's right, celebrities go through it too!

"Am I a joke to you?"
"Am I a joke to you?"


7. Middle School Misery:

middle school. middle of the courtyard. valentine's day. presents ready for him in hand. he comes up to me, puts his hand on my shoulder, said "it's over" & walked away. never told me why. ruined love for me forever.

— tony (@joeIsmillers) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @joeIsmillers

8. Bedroom Breakup:

LOLLL i was living with him and his parents, i'm sure our kid was only a few months old. we had a fight, he went to sleep in OUR bed, he TEXTED me saying we're breaking up 💀💀💀 what a time

— Ari (@Ariquxeen) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @Ariquxeen

9. Just Jokes:

we got into a fight & he randomly confessed to cheating a year prior. then when he saw how hurt I was he said just kidding - spent the weekend piecing together what happened and then told him we were done - he tells me he wanted to be done that’s why he told me he cheated🤡

— ✨ch0nky buds✨ (@marfmellow) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @marfmellow

"I got my heart broke for the first time by a bun."
"I got my heart broke for the first time by a bun."


10. Med School Mayhem:

2 yrs ago, Med school graduation day 20 min after my parents left my grad party my ex asked me for a divorce and told me he didn’t want to have kids with me or support me in residency across the country. So I graduated, start new job, moved across country, & divorced in 6 weeks.

— Londyn Robinson, MD (@londyloo) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @londyloo

11. Berger Behavior:

The very night HBO originally aired the episode where Berger breaks up with Carrie via post-it note on SATC, a guy I'd been seeing for a few months dumped me via email. Like, I gasped watching the episode, then opened my email and gasped harder. #imsorryicantdonthateme

— Sari Botton (@saribotton) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @saribotton

12. Deadbeat Dad:

On Dec 1st, after not coming home from the 'holiday party', my husband called to inform me he wasn't ready for the child we had, nor the twins I was pregnant with. His side piece was preggo, didn't stick around for her, either.I don't date now, and ppl think I'M the weird one...

— Antifa: Warrior Princess (@KnowItAllGrl) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @KnowItAllGrl

"Love is not always enough."
"Love is not always enough."


13. Mommy Messenger:

He had his mama break up with me after a year and a half of dating, that included traveling to the Kentucky Derby, travel to Aspen for skiing, and New York for shopping. Turns out he was gay but hadn’t come out yet. 😁

— Dez2u 🇺🇸 🇩🇪💜🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ (@dezhentz) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @dezhentz

14. Anniversary Annihilation:

It was our anniversary. I was so excited because he was so sweet to remove all my belongings and replace them.. idk why but I put on the most beautiful dress and waited for him. He came home & told me it was over. His mistress said I was wearing her clothes & they had children

— The Stay @ Home Fragrance Mama (@JoyyUnSpeakable) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @JoyyUnSpeakable

15. Work Woes:

It happened the same day I got laid off from the company we both worked at. He said it didn’t make sense to be together unless we worked together and he had to put work first. So I blocked his # and told HR about our undisclosed relationship. He was fired shortly thereafter 🫶🏽💕

— Ruby B | Digital Project Manager (@ruby_rafaelina) June 10, 2023

Twitter: @ruby_rafaelina

"You have no reason to be mad at me. You broke my heart."
"You have no reason to be mad at me. You broke my heart."

Fox Searchlight Pictures

16. Divorce Dupe:

his wife (that i believed he was divorcing) put the three of us into a group chat to compare notes 🤡

— alex (@alexsoupertramp) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @alexsoupertramp

17. Class Clown:

Walked out of class and she was holding hands with a nigga who’s locker was 4 lockers down from mine. Life ain’t that bad though cuz she got a bad bbL now. God don’t play bout me 🫶🏾

— the OG (@joinez) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @joinez

18. Gamer Gall:

one time a man ended things with me bc he “wanted to dedicate more time to gaming”

— violet 🪴🐀 (@daintyviolette) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @daintyviolette

GIF of Cassie in "Euphoria"
GIF of Cassie in "Euphoria"


19. Careless Cheater:

"you've been really sad for like a whole year and it's super unattractive so... i cheated 🤷🏼‍♀️" - the man i had been with for 5 years on the first anniversary of my mom's death lol

— Live, Laugh, Lariat. (@OrangeCasstiddy) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @OrangeCasstiddy

20. Surprise Separation:

My wife went to visit her sister for the weekend. On the Monday I received a letter from the Child Support Agency…it started something like “We understand you and your partner have now separated…your payments have been conditionally assessed as….”

— poppy rick 🇺🇦💉💉💉💉 Lefty Sarcastic Bastard (@just_plain_Rick) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @just_plain_Rick

21. Gone Ghost:

Dated a guy for a year, he broke up with me. 3 months later he hunts me down at my new job and begs forgiveness. We spent that weekend together, with him telling me repeatedly how letting me go was the stupidest thing he'd ever done and how much he loved me.THEN he ghosted me.🙄

— Barb reads banned books and gives them to kids! (@UpNorthOpinions) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @UpNorthOpinions

"You know it's funny when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."
"You know it's funny when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."


22. Lame List:

shared a google sheets file with me that had a list of everyone she’d ever had romantic feelings for and why they went away. my name had a full entry

— chase (@thogbombadil) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @thogbombadil

23. Long-Distance Lies:

A BF I had while I lived in Ghana had to go back home. A few weeks later, I flew 2,800 miles to visit him in his country.His blonde, British “friend” Facebook messaged me and said that he’d been living with her and they were sleeping together. I had no choice but to leave…

— Karen Attiah (@KarenAttiah) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @KarenAttiah

24. Shakespeare Sorrows:

By letter 🙃 he wrote the break up letter, posted it, spent the weekend with me, and then I received it on Monday. My friends and I have referred to him as ‘Shakespeare’ ever since

— Evie (@binbagwitch) June 5, 2023

Twitter: @binbagwitch

"It's like someone was squeezing my heart"
"It's like someone was squeezing my heart"

Channel 9

25. Ring Release:

My ex husband left his wedding ring at home when he went to work, when I text him to tell him he'd left it, he said he didn't love me anymore and he was moving out. This was just weeks after our 3rd child was born. Fun times!

— Kelly 💜 ColourWithWonder (@colorwithwonder) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @colorwithwonder

26. Parking Lot Presentation:

She ignored me for close to a week then showed up in the parking lot of my job when I got off work with a printed list of my good and bad qualities.

— Bert (½ of BerTrini) (@BrightPledge85) June 7, 2023

Twitter: @BrightPledge85

27. Pub Prick:

In a pub with boyf and best friend (who worked with him). When I went to the loo, my boyfriend told my best friend & told her to tell me. Then he left. I was 19. Devastated 💔🥺

— Debs (@Debs2500) June 6, 2023

Twitter: @Debs2500

"Broken hearts are no picnic."
"Broken hearts are no picnic."

The CW

Whew, relationships can be hard! Have you experienced a bad breakup? Let us know about it in the comments below!