People Are Sharing Things Teachers Have Said That Were Totally Unexpected, And You'll Probably Be Surprised By A Few Of These

This post contains discussion of sexual assault, mental health issues, and body image issues.

Listen, there's lots of great teachers out there. There's also plenty of teachers who do and say things that are...not quite right.

A teacher looking angry in front of the chalkboard
Cyano66 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

U/Sudden-Somewhere-368 recently asked the people of Reddit, "What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever heard a teacher say in class??" Who says education isn't full of surprises:

1."5th grade teacher: 'Mount Whitney in California is the tallest mountain in the world.' 5th grade me blurts out: 'No, it isn't, Mount Everest is. Whitney is not even the tallest mountain in the USA, which is Mount McKinley in Alaska.' I got in trouble for 'Contradicting the teacher.'"


A mountain from far away
Ed Freeman / Getty Images

2."Female health teacher told us men couldn't be raped. We then had to go through magazines that she provided to show examples of companies trying to use sex to sell products. The first magazine I opened had an article about a lady that caught some guy in Russia while he was breaking into a building. She tied him up, force-fed Viagra to him, and raped him for over a week before letting him go."


3."I had a literature teacher who told the class that he didn't believe in dinosaurs, because the universe is only a couple thousand years old, and that the bones were put there by Satan. Thank fuck he wasn't a science or history teacher."


A Tyrannosaurus Rex
Roger Harris / Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF

4."4th-grade teacher leaned down to the girl a couple seats over during the slavery section in our history book and said to her, 'In this time, they would've called you a n*****.' I told my parents about this, and nobody believed me."


5."High school science teacher told my class that a kilometer was longer than a mile. Refused to budge when refuted and kicked out several students for doing so."


6."Had the head of the department in college claim in class that anyone who actually needs accommodations for mental health issues should not be in college to begin with. This was while we were discussing Death of a Salesman, and the discussion had veered over to unhealthy pressure and social standards for success."


7."I had a teacher ridicule a fat kid about his lunch choices in front of the whole class. He ran out crying as she was making gestures and telling him he was going to be huge as an adult."


8."My English teacher told us that he genuinely believes that the Rothschilds own a hotel for aliens in the Bermuda triangle..."


A map showing the Bermuda Triangle
Rainer Lesniewski / Getty Images/iStockphoto

9."'Hey, dumbass, you were the one who asked me about this, so why don't you stop talking to your friend and pay attention.' It was me. I was the teacher. I got in trouble for calling the kid a dumbass."


10."My 7th-grade science class was watching a documentary about desert wildlife. A large female dung beetle was being chased by three or four smaller males. Many of the kids were gasping and giggling. The teacher's response to the kids: 'I think it's kinda kinky.' The room went silent."


A teacher covering her face with a book in front of the chalkboard
Undefined Undefined / Getty Images/iStockphoto

11."My 7th-grade teacher blocked the projector when the nature documentary we watched showed squirrels mating."


12."My religious studies teacher said, 'Jesus didn't hate money lenders, he was just angry that as king of kings, he didn't get his cut.'"


13."'You won't have a calculator with you at all times.'"


A person using the calculator on their phone while doing work on their laptop
Hobo_018 / Getty Images

14."A teacher in elementary school claimed during history class that the Colosseum was in Greece. As an Italian kid, I was very confused."


The Coliseum
Hh / Getty Images

15."Teacher walked into the class adjusting his belt as he said 'Kids, I've got something to show you.' For a second, we all low-key thought he was getting it out!"


16."I had a teacher walk into class one day and say to a group of girls, 'Is that a banana in my pocket, or am I just pleased to see you?' Then, he pulled out a banana! We all took it as the joke it was intended to be, but he might not have gotten away with that if he said it nowadays!"


17."'Wouldn't that be so wild! It would be awesome.' This was in regards to the Lockerbie terrorist plane bombing, as passengers were falling 30,000 feet to the ground."


18."A teacher in freshman year of high school once called a kid a sexy beast. I don't remember the context of the comment, but it was really fucking weird considering she was, like, 50 and he was 14."


Agree? Disagree? Have your own additions? See you in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, you can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673), which routes the caller to their nearest sexual assault service provider. You can also search for your local center here.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness helpline is 1-888-950-6264 (NAMI) and provides information and referral services; is an association of mental health professionals from more than 25 countries who support efforts to reduce harm in therapy.

The National Eating Disorders Association helpline is 1-800-931-2237; for 24/7 crisis support, text “NEDA” to 741741. is an organization that provides resources to prevent harassment and bullying against children. Stomp Out Bullying offers a free and confidential chat line here.