People Are Sharing The Totally Unexpected Thing They Found Out About Their Relationship After A Breakup

Recently, I asked the BuzzFeed Community members to tell us the wildest thing they learned about their relationship or their partner after breaking up with their S.O. Well, people opened up and shared all sorts of things they discovered after their breakup.

Screenshot from "The Breakup"
Universal / ©Universal/Courtesy Everett Collection

So, without further ado, here are some of the things people found out about after breaking up:

Warning: Mentions of drug use and child endangerment.


"That he was in a relationship with his ex the whole time we were in a relationship. So, he was dating us both at the same time.

Cherry on top: He would send us the same good morning/good night texts complete with pet names so they weren’t too personal."



"My ex broke up with me via phone call after he got back home from studying abroad, and I found out that he cheated on me while he was over there and started dating the woman he cheated on me with. He even told his friends that he broke up with me before he left."



"I am gay, and I found out my now ex-husband had cheated on me with my former male roommate (who I lived with when we my ex and I met) throughout most of our relationship."


David saying, "Absolutely not"
David saying, "Absolutely not"



"I don’t know if this is 'wild,' but I found out that a text I found when we were together was most definitely proof of him cheating. Just felt silly, I believed his ridiculous lie he told me at the time to explain it away. I hadn’t been cheated on before, so it offended me when I found out years later."



"Trying to keep this as short as possible:

My ex and I found drugs in the car of his father. Kinda made sense since he was living life like he earns 20k-plus a month while working a regular 9-5. He was staying weekly at a Hyatt Hotel, shopping at designer brands, and buying cars (like middle class Audis for his sons).

We thought maybe he was a high-profile drug dealer. My ex-boyfriend was super surprised and deeply upset at the thought. But yeah. No. Turns out after the breakup, his dad was actually a junkie, and that BOTH of them put MY name and information on those bills leaving me with HELLA DEBT. The justice system sucks ass where I live so I have been paying these bills for the last eight years. My credit score is ridiculous, and they took away my ability to achieve what every other normal person my age is achieving: buying a car, buying an apartment, etc. Fuck them. I hope karma bites their asses real bad."



"Found out from a co-worker that used to work with my ex that he never mentioned me. At all. We lived together at the time. She mentioned he carried himself as if he was single, though to her knowledge, he never hooked up with anyone. Good riddance."


Donna saying, "Excuse me?"
NBC/ Citytv


"The guy I was married to for 16 years was a player. Found out he had a whole separate life with another woman who was the love of his life and who he called his wife. He took me to the cleaners on my way out and did not even had any qualm with his conscience. You figure who I was to him: nothing."



"We broke up after he had come along to the beginning part of a week-long family vacation. He left early saying he needed to do work around his house. I knew something was up so I made it a point to see him the night I came home. After questioning why he was acting strange, we had a fight and broke up — he said he wasn’t attracted to me anymore.

Found out from a friend later that he mentioned he had seen me and my cousin at a restaurant while he was with his new girl. I wasn’t ever with my cousin at this place. My cousin later said she was there with a friend that looks like me (and this was also when I was still on my family vacation). So, yeah, I definitely knew something was up. Come to find out now, years later, he had been sleeping with an older lady that some of our guy friends had also slept with when we first dated — which he previously swore he never did. Five wasted years! Should have listened to my intuition at the beginning!"



"My ex got together with a recently divorced neighbor very soon after our divorce. Her ex and I started putting the pieces together and suspect they had been cheating behind our backs for a long time. I try not to think about it too much, but there were definitely some huge signs I missed."


A woman putting her hands on a man's back over a fence
Design Pics / Getty Images/Design Pics RF


"I suspected my ex-wife had been doing drugs behind my back. While we were together, I got the impression it was more recreational drugs like weed and coke. After we divorced, I found out she had started abusing meth and had been arrested multiple times on felony possession charges, sometimes with our 5-year-old daughter in the car. She moved out of state after we split so it was easy for her to hide it from me until I got my summer visitation of our daughter and I saw what the drugs had done to her. I immediately took full custody of my daughter, and I haven't heard much from my ex-wife since."



"My husband of seven years, who constantly accused me of cheating, finally got caught cheating with a co-worker. After I left, I found out that he had gotten her pregnant, but she had an abortion so her husband wouldn't find out about the affair. He was Catholic and constantly trying to force me to have more children. I was totally shocked!"



"I learned two big things after I left him. He had driven his motorcycle to a friend’s house and hid it in the friend’s shed. The guy drove him back home where he got back into bed with me. I slept through it all. The next morning he got up, looked out, and said, "My motorcycle has been stolen!" Insurance company paid off the loan. Also, I found out he had been dealing cocaine. We had a young child, and that was terrifying to find out."


Closeup of a motorcycle
Stramyk / Getty Images/iStockphoto


"Not super wild, but I found out that my boyfriend of two years was cheating on me the whole time with a girl who was 'just a friend.' The relationship he had before ours ended because the said friend was actually an ex of his, and he was still in love with her."



"I found out when he went to Vegas he had a sex worker give him a BJ. He also told me the Vegas trip ended up being longer than what he actually planned because he flew to Cali to visit a girl he had a crush on in college."



"More than a year after I had left my ex-husband, I found out from a friend of ours that he had asked her a few times to help pay our mortgage. Money was always tight, but he never told me about this, and I don't know what happened to all of our money. I also found out that he hardly ever paid my mom or sister back since he also asked for money from them, too!"


Someone handing someone else a stack of cash
Povozniuk / Getty Images/iStockphoto


"About four months after we had ended things, I learned that he lost his virginity to my cousin. My male cousin...who was gay."



"During our marriage, one day I found a men's coat that wasn't mine in the back of my now ex-wife's car when I borrowed it. I confronted her about whose coat that was, and she insisted that the coat was mine and basically gaslighted me.

Things eventually got bad, and we divorced. About a year after our divorce, my ex decided she wanted to clear her conscience and admitted that the coat had been that of a man's she'd met on Tinder."



"I'm a police officer. My ex's dad was a police officer. My ex is a firefighter. After we broke up, I found out that he is a wanted felon — along with everyone else — 'cause it was on the news. I have *great* taste in men."



"That his mom found and paid for the lawyer for our divorce... I mean, it tracks with the reason I left; he couldn't do anything 'adult' if he tried."


"You've heard of a mama's boy, right?"
"You've heard of a mama's boy, right?"


Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.