14 People Who Have Been Betrayed By Their "Friends" Share Absolutely Unreal Stories That Will Actually Leave Your Mouth Hanging Open

Being a good friend is something that really comes naturally...to some people. And for others, it seems as though they've never actually understood what it means to be or have a good and honest friend.

Gretchen Wieners saying "I'm such a good friend"

So to find some solace, I decided to ask the BuzzFeed Community to "tell us about that time when your 'best friend' stabbed you in the back and the inevitable drama that followed," and trust me, people did not hold back:

1."My best friend hooked up with my ex-fiancé within 48 hours of him dumping me. She'd already been laying the groundwork for a year. She joked about threesomes and said things like, 'I wish I had a boyfriend like K!' They spent the next several years insisting I was a 'psycho' and trying to keep them apart. They would even show up at my work to try to get a response from me to prove my 'psycho'-ness. What they didn't know was that rather than trying to keep them apart, I made sure they stayed together."

Morticia Addams sipping tea

2."I was seriously upset when I learned that a good friend used me and another mutual friend's relationship with her as 'proof' that she wasn't a racist despite her racist and anti-immigration views, which she, surprise, never shared with us."

Idris Elba in the backseat of a car, scoffing

3."My friend and I met when we were in sixth grade, and we bonded over our mutual love for the band Bowling for Soup. It had always been our thing throughout our friendship. Fast-forward to the end of high school, and Bowling for Soup was coming to town for a concert, and she invited everyone to go to the concert with her except me and told everyone to keep it a secret from me."

The tops of heads and hands bouncing at a concert

4."It was actually two friends; we'll call them 'Steve' and 'Meg,' and they were married. I had a very horrible breakup with some sexually abusive factors, and they both told me they were here for me and never wanted to see my ex again. Then I come to find out that Meg continued to hang out with my ex."

A woman putting her hand on her face

5."My ex-girlfriend and I stayed close friends after our breakup. When she got pregnant, I was right there with her in the delivery room. When I later got married, she was a bridesmaid in my wedding. Fast-forward four years, and she’s pregnant by my husband. We discovered they had been having an affair while she was with her child’s father and my husband was obviously married to me."

Oprah in shock

6."I went to a school where you spend a semester during your sophomore year overseas. I didn’t go, but my boyfriend at the time did. My best friend at the time told me she’d make sure he didn’t flirt with any European girls. Come to find out, they started shacking up. He told me we’d 'pick up where we left off' when they got back, but I was like, 'Gross, no.' They ended up getting married, and according to old mutual friends, he’s aged like a bottle of milk under a hot sun, so I’ll take the W."

Serena Williams and Beyoncé in the "Sorry" music video

7."One of my friends slept with the guy I was talking to at the time (definitely his fault too, but this is about her). She lied to me about it for six months and only told me about it because other people in my circle found out and she was worried that they would tell me. The comical thing is that the whole time, I was very close with the guy she was sleeping with, and she was convinced he was into me. She asked him multiple times if he had slept with me."

Lizzo shrugging

8."I dated a guy outside of our friend group for three years, and we had a relatively civil breakup. However, he had become friends with my friends. I had been friends with these people for 20-plus years, so basically my whole life. He and I had hooked up a few times and still chatted for a while, typical post-breakup behavior, and then he told everyone I was crazy and I hit him up all the time????"

A woman sitting at a table in a restaurant texting

9."I shouldn't even call her my friend, but that's what I called her back then. So I was always super lonely as a kid and I never had friends — until one day a classmate started talking to me. I was sooo happy about it, but to be honest, I didn't know what friendship was. I let her take advantage of my skills; I did her homework and let her take credit for everything I did. But then in sixth grade, she decided that I was boring and totally stabbed me in the back. She started claiming that I was the one being mean, taking advantage of her, and bullying her."

Lady Gaga rolling her eyes

10."I had this friend, let's call her 'Angela,' who was always down to do something fun and always actively offered help with whatever minor inconvenience occurred to me. It was a bit irritating to have someone manage my life without me asking for it (like cleaning my apartment as a surprise, ordering things for me that I talked about wanting, etc.), but I was mentally at a very low point in my life, so I was kind of grateful for her help and companionship...at first."

Two girls lying back on the couch with wine, drinking and laughing

11."In elementary school, I was friends with this one girl who was also friends with my bully. I was new to the school and naive, and I just wanted friends, so I befriended her. She was super sweet to my face, but apparently when she wasn’t hanging out with me, she was telling the girl who bullied me everything I was saying, and they would talk crap about me and spread rumors."

A girl saying "I thought you were my friend" to another person as she walks out of the room

12."I had someone I considered a best friend. We met at business school. She was married, and I was single. I dated a lot, hoping to find the 'one,' and she seemed to enjoy my dating stories. We had a lot in common, I thought. We both loved to read, we played chess, we both played pool, etc. Little did I know it was all a facade. As time went on, I met and married my husband, bought a house, and did all that couple stuff. After meeting my husband, I started to put on a little weight, as I was cooking every night. When the kids came, I got a little heavier. My husband didn't care, and I wore nice clothes and always tried to look my best as a plus-size girl. Well, hard times came, and we were struggling."

Ashley Graham saying "I'm excited for the day that nothing has to be about size anymore"

13."My best friend of 10 years got jealous that I had gotten a boyfriend because she’d never had one. She started being mean to him (and me) for no reason. I was supposed to go on a trip with her for her birthday, but she told me I was to have zero communication with my boyfriend for the entire two weeks we were there. For that and other reasons, I backed out of the trip."

NeNe Leakes throwing up a peace sign and saying "bye"

And finally, this person reminds us all how important it is, no matter how hard it may be, to always stand up for what you believe in:

14."My best friend in high school and I have always hated the same boy ever since he openly admitted he said the n-word without shame and declared that he didn’t believe in racism, only 'sensitive' people. As an Indian who has suffered many racist comments, I had a particular hatred for this boy, while my best friend had what you could call a 'passive hatred.' She hated him, sure, but I actively went out of my way to worsen things for him, while she just made the occasional nasty comment."

Trevor Noah saying "Yes, that's racist"

Did you find yourself feeling completely enraged for these people and wanting to tell your own story? Please feel free to drop those thoughts and stories in the comments below!

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.