People Are Sharing The Wildest Reasons They've Gotten In Trouble At Work, And Some Of Them Are SHOCKING

If you've been in the workforce for more than a hot second, you probably know how terrible it feels to be reprimanded by your boss.

Warner Bros. Television / Giphy / Via

And it feels roughly 1,000,000x worse when you get in trouble for something ridiculous or unfair.

Which is why, when journalist and podcaster Tuck Woodstock recently asked his followers to share their wildest reasons for getting in trouble at work, Twitter delivered.

1."This is my company and I call the shots around here. I also pour the shots (for minors)."

2.I simply refuse to believe that anticipating the presence of Elmer Fudd is a job requirement.

3.OK but where's the lie?

4.This job sounds pretty un-pallet-able.

5.This is QUITE the one-two punch.

6.That awkward moment when you think the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire is something to aspire to as opposed to a cautionary tale.

7.If there's one thing bosses hate, it's when their job?

8.How dare you solve problems and improve your output on my watch?!

9.Someone should probably audit LA's "Meals On Wheels" program...


11.Now, that's a crumby boss.

12."Acquired" is doing roughly ten trillion tons of heavy lifting here...

13.As everyone knows, Michelle Obama is famous for her email etiquette.

14.The first rule of political assassinations is: you do not talk about political assassinations.

15.I thought George Costanza already solved the whole "should we converse in the shared work bathroom" question.

16.OK that's it!!! All the sickos have to use a separate work bathroom, where they can talk and listen to their hearts' content.

17.To err is human; to forgive is unheard of in retail.

18.In a sea of regular receipts, be a unicorn.

19.Employers insist they want out-of-the-box thinking until they catch you pulling a Bugs Bunny in the walk-in.

20.Have we considered the possibility that whomever wrote you up had just read Are You My Mother? for the first time?

21.How dare you do the thing you told us you'd be doing in twice the time we didn't know you were doing it?

22.Never say you're "shooting the shit," or your boss will barge in on you in the bathroom to demand you hand over your rifle.

23.Capitalism! Is! A! Disease!

24.Call Poirot! We've got a real mystery on our hands.

25.Thank you for your service. 🙏

26.And finally, modern society is always just one to two stubborn world leaders away from total self-annihilation.

Tuck's Twitter thread is just part of a larger trend of employees speaking up about toxic work environments. Clearly, we still have a long road ahead of us before all employees are guaranteed a safe, understanding work environment.

Now go follow everyone from this list on Twitter or you'll get in trouble with the boss (me).

H/T: @tuckwoodstock