People Are Sharing The Weirdest Things About The Coronavirus Pandemic, And I Def Agree With A Few Of Them

The coronavirus pandemic resulted in a lot of quick and necessary changes. But looking back, some things just seem so weird now.

A woman saying, "Can you believe that?"
A woman saying, "Can you believe that?"


A Reddit user recently asked, "What was the weirdest part of the pandemic?" Although COVID's still out there, it's wild to see some of the things we were doing then, when it was still considered a global health emergency, versus now. Here's some of what people shared.

1. "I remember some of the restaurants near me started selling groceries during lockdown. It was so weird walking past a high-end restaurant known for its oysters, only to see stacks of toilet paper, six packs of beer, and non-perishable foods…”


2. "I live a block away from a very busy highway. While I never really noticed the sound of the highway, when it was gone, the silence was amazing!"


3. "How the wildlife started walking through towns as soon as the stay-at-home orders took full effect."


4. "How fast time went for me, I feel like I lived in a time bubble. Went in early 2020, came out late 2022."


A woman looking confused at her phone
Mariia Skovpen / Getty Images/iStockphoto

5. "Any type of 'party' on Zoom."


"And drive-by birthday parties and graduation parties."


6. "Toilet paper hoarding."


A bunch of toilet paper
Bloomberg Creative / Getty Images/Bloomberg Creative Photos

7. "LA filling an outdoor skate park with sand and arresting someone for swimming all by themselves in the ocean."


8. "When people first started wearing masks and they were sold out everywhere, so people had to improvise and create their own mask with weird random supplies from home."

Someone sewing


Fotolgart / Getty Images/iStockphoto

9. "My personal favorite was how every time there was a COVID spike, a bunch of candles online would suddenly get hundreds of 1-star reviews because the candle didn’t smell like anything."


10. "When a bunch of celebrities sang a John Lennon song thinking it’d inspire people or some shit."


11. "How all these companies that ABSOLUTELY couldn't offer flexible working, suddenly just could. And now, they want you to believe that they can't again..."


People in a work meeting
Gilaxia / Getty Images

12. "Grocery stores trying to get you to follow arrows on the floor."


13. "Tiger King."


14. "It's not surprising, but I am disappointed at how poorly the governments were prepared. There was no logic applied to anything. What a mess."


A woman with her hands on her temples
Mangostar_studio / Getty Images/iStockphoto

15. "The alcohol distilleries that turned into hand sanitizer manufacturers almost overnight. I regret not grabbing that obvious vodka bottle which was filled and labeled as hand sanitizer at the gas station back in 2020. It was cool to see all the trends, too. Like, we all started baking bread and riding a bicycle. It was cute."


16. "All the talk about people being 'essential,' when in reality, we were just expendable."


What were some things that you found strange? Tell me in the comments below!