15 Video Games People Wish They Could Play Again For The First Time Because They're That Good

Reddit user u/Herewego-1 asked gamers, "What video game would you wish to play again for the first time?" and they shared some true hits.

NBC / Via media.giphy.com

Here are the games they shared:

1.Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

2K / Via media.giphy.com

"Went to my uncle's house for Christmas break. He had built his own PC and for two solid weeks, I played the game for at least 16 hours a day. Had to go back home, though, and I never played it again.

I've always had it in my mind to build my own PC, never have before, and play it over again. Maybe with some mods to update the graphics. But the quest lines, side missions, items, magic, etc. just blew me away like nothing else had."



2K / Via media.giphy.com

"I can still vividly remember my first time ever playing that game. It was such an awesome experience that it's burned into my memory. Must have been like 13 at the time and my friend and I beat the entire thing together in one sitting while having a sleepover. We enjoyed it so much, we immediately started up a second playthrough."



Xbox Game Studios / Via media.giphy.com

"I first played as a kid and didn't realize how good the shift in tone from bullet-belching super soldier to fighting alien zombies was. You're cool until you're scared. Truly a masterpiece."


4.Fallout 3

Bethesda / Via youtube.com

"It was so revolutionary to me when it came out. I spent hours upon hours just combing through bombed-out buildings. Now it seems pretty basic, but at the time it was so immersive that I almost quit my job just to keep playing."


5.Final Fantasy X

Square / Via media.giphy.com

"I was 11 and didn’t even know that style of art existed. My dad and I played together on weekends. He bought one of those guidebooks and read the whole thing so he could help me when I got stuck. It was the first RPG I ever played and finished. Probably one of my favorite memories of my dad and I spending time together."


6.The Mass Effect series

Electronic Arts / Via media.giphy.com

"The story from games 1–3 is astounding and the collection edition that recently came out made it even better. All in all, it's a story experience that you MUST play. Few other games hold up narrative-wise."


7.Hollow Knight

Team Cherry / Via media.giphy.com

"It’s a game about wonder and exploration. You find out everything by yourself, no hand-holding.

The first time I played it, I found myself completely immersed in the game, wanting to explore every single path (a thing I never do in other games)."


8.The Dark Souls trilogy

Bandai Namco Games / Via media.giphy.com

"Sure, it may not have aged as well for some people, but that world is utterly breathtaking. The interconnectivity. The way the lore is revealed so exquisitely through exploration and items' descriptions.

I played this game for the first time at a really low point in my life and to me, it felt like an allegory for depression. I think I have heard this was something the designers intended and goddamn did they nail it.

Sometimes I can still hear that blacksmith hammering away in my dreams..."


9.The Witcher 3

CD Projekt Red / Via media.giphy.com

"Nothing has ever compared to this game in regards to the feeling of adventure it gives you. The exploration, the gradual learning of all its systems of combat and customization, the feeling of wonder its environments give off, and the complete joy of going to a new map and realizing just how vast it is and that the story is nowhere near over. Also it has Gwent, which is just an incredible card game you can lose hours to when you’ve had enough of slaying monsters."


10.The Last of Us

Sony Computer Entertainment / Via media.giphy.com

"The first 20 minutes, I was tearing up. Such a masterpiece. The post-apocalyptic setting was so well done. It was so believable in that sense. Joel’s transition from smuggler to father figure, the music! Everything!"


11.The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Nintendo / Via media.giphy.com

"The greatest thing about BOTW is that it isn't played in the exact same way by all players. Everyone has their own wacky stories of adventuring, whether it's alternate ways to solve puzzle shrines, shenanigans with enemy activity, funny deaths, and more.

Though everyone I know had one common enemy: the rain."


12.Super Mario 64

Nintendo / Via media.giphy.com

"For kids in the late '80s/early '90s, we only had 2D games and when Super Mario 64 came out, it was magical. Mario’s controls were so precise and accurate and it looked so ahead of its time."


13.Grand Theft Auto 5

Rockstar Games / Via media.giphy.com

"The campaign was one of the best, the story was a great mix of seriousness with the GTA style satire. The world-building around it made it feel alive: the websites, the radio stations that talk about events in-game, and also background of the world like political satire was amazing."


14.Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

LucasArts / Electronic Arts / Disney Interactive Studios / Via youtube.com

"I was genuinely surprised when I noticed I actually cared about the characters in KOTOR. I just went in for the cool Jedi powers, but the characters really sucked me in.

I tried to replay it a while back but the control scheme is so outdated now. I barely managed to navigate myself out of the first hallway before I gave up."



Broderbund / Via youtube.com

"Total game changer — the eerie stillness, the haunting music. Myst was a major reason I did so poorly in school the year it came out."


Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

What's a game that you wish you could play again for the first time? Let us know in the comments below!