People Are Sharing The Huge WTF Moments From Their Life They Can't Explain, And Now I'm Just As Confused As They Are

If you've watched as many episodes of Unsolved Mysteries as I have, you'll know that some things just can't be explained. So when Redditor u/oldhamer asked the r/AskReddit community to share an unexplained event from their life that still baffles them to this day, people sure had a few bone-chilling stories up their sleeve. Here are a few that were particularly bizarre, so buckle in for some seriously creepy stuff.

1."I was a kid and had a vivid dream about Easter. I was at my grandma’s house but I wasn’t me. I was wearing a blue and green dress I’d never seen and it was very old-fashioned. I had this weird pail for candy and eggs. There was a golden retriever puppy and I played with him. In real life, I’ve never seen a dog at my grandma’s house. I remember (in the dream) playing and finding eggs. I told my mom about it the next day and she was weirded out. She said that the dream is one of her memories from an Easter Day in her childhood. All the same details from the dress to the pail to the puppy."

a vintage photo of a young child holding a basket of easter eggs in their lap
Aaron Mccoy / Getty Images

2."When I was in fifth grade, I went to science camp on a mountain in California. We had a night hike that was supposed to teach us about the different cells in our eyes, so we did it without any flashlights at all. Our eyes adjusted to just starlight and it was actually pretty cool, until the counselors made us walk a stretch of the path alone, one by one. We were 10 and at least some of us were still afraid of the dark (me), so I was far too anxious to listen properly to the instructions. One counselor went ahead through the bushes and radioed for the other to start sending kids. My turn comes up and I drag my feet down the path."

"Until I hit a fork. I vaguely remember the counselor saying something about it. Mind you this was a pitch-black mountain in California with nothing around for miles other than the camp. I didn't want to get lost. I looked behind me, briefly considering going back the way I came to admit that I was a dumbass who didn't listen, but when I turned back to the fork there was a man standing there.

I wasn't scared, I felt no malice from him. If anything, I was relieved to not be alone in the dark anymore. He gestured for me to go one way, so I did. Rejoined the rest of my class and the counselor radioed to send the next kid.

I didn't think anything of it for the rest of the trip. It took me until I was on the bus ride home, reflecting on the hike, to realize that I'd never seen him before. He wasn't one of the counselors leading the hike, he never came out with us, and he never emerged from the bushes after all the kids had done their solo walk. I have NO idea who or what he was."


3."I grew up in Texas, close to Louisiana. I was around 11 and playing on my grandmother’s driveway with my little sister and cousin. A 'bird' (or something of the sort) flew over the driveway, which was wide enough for two vehicles, and its shadow covered the entire width of the driveway plus several feet on each side. My grandmother began screaming at me to grab the babies. She and I each grabbed a child and ran inside. She was pale and trembling and I asked her what it was. She said she didn’t know and had never seen anything that size. My grandmother is very rational and not dramatic. To this day, I’m not sure what flew over her driveway. I think about it once a month."

a shot from below of an eagle flying
Samad Malik Photography / Getty Images

4."The day my dad had a heart attack was such a weird and wild day for me. I had weird vibes all day at school, left early, and went home to sleep it off. I got home and napped. A few hours later, I woke up and felt sick to my stomach — I had the weirdest feeling that I needed to be with my dad. I drove almost two and a half hours in Toronto traffic from Toronto to Vaughn to a hockey arena (those that know, know). My dad was playing happily and everything was normal."

"As he was walking me to the car after his game, he told me, ‘Baby girl, I don’t feel well.’ My father had never called me that before. 0.5 seconds later, he collapsed flat. 210 pounds of dead weight crashed right down on top of me. I screamed and yelled and a few people came rushing out of the arena, started CPR, got an AED, and were able to administer life-saving results with the assistance of the paramedics.

45 minutes later, he was transferred to another hospital for two surgeries and survived both of those too. I still have no idea what told me to go be with him or go to that arena. To be there? To witness? To help? To catch him before he fell? I don't know, but it's weird to me.


5."When I was in fifth grade, a friend gifted me a hardcover copy of all three Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark volumes in one book. This book quickly became my most prized possession, so I wrote my name inside the front cover just in case I ever lost it at school. At some point, I took my book with me to my dad's house for the weekend, which is in another city about an hour away from where I lived with my mom. I had left it at my dad's house that weekend and I guess I just forgot to ever bring it back home with me."

three scary stories to tell in the dark books next to one another

6."Someone stalked/pranked our household for about three years when I was younger. My family would get waves of strange occurrences like being followed by a white car, strange phone calls, doorbell ringing, knocks on windows VERY late at night, someone clearly camping out in these big hollowed-out bushes we had in our backyard, etc. The last occurrence I’m aware of in this multi-year string of harassment was someone entering our locked home one morning while I was in the bathroom getting ready for middle school."

"They came right up to the bathroom door and jiggled the door handle to get in. Luckily the door was locked. I could hear the person stand there for a solid minute before walking away and leaving the house. Everyone else was asleep (I know because I checked before I went to the bathroom to get ready) and was sound asleep when I ran to my mom’s room after the stranger left to get her help.

We were never able to figure out who it was or what happened. Wildly scary when I was a child. Cops never believed us or did anything. Now I’m just wildly curious who it was and why."


7."A couple of weeks after my mom died, I was driving home from work, feeling very sad and a bit angry. I was pissed off at the universe for leaving me alone (I have no other living family left, she was the last). I was thinking about how we both loved birds and would always point them out to each other. I thought, 'If all that hippie spirituality stuff Mom loved is real, then the least she could do is send me a bird, as a kind of sign.' It was a long drive and I saw no birds at all. I thought, 'Of course it isn't real. What a silly thing to think.' I didn't see so much as a robin or a wren or anything. I parked and walked down the path to my house. While I was putting my key in the door, something colorful caught my eye. I turned."

a colorful Chinese Golden Pheasant standing in the grass

8."On multiple occasions, spanning at least 15 years, I've had people tell me I've been speaking fluent Spanish in my sleep. I took some classes sporadically in school but I've never been fluent — barely conversational level — in waking life."


9."One of my earliest memories is being in a Blockbuster looking at the back wall of new releases. I was there with a bunch of teammates for a slumber party a few towns over. I was looking at the wall of movies and suddenly had this weird déjà vu feeling that the boy standing to my left was going to come up and talk to me and tell me about a movie I was looking at. I hadn’t seen his face yet in real life but I saw it in the 'vision' if you will. After the déjà vu passed, the boy turned and did exactly that. His face was the same as what I had just seen in my head."

the aisle of a blockbuster

10."In 2008 I was driving by myself down a dark interstate highway in Pennsylvania late at night when one of the map lights turned on by itself in my Nissan Xterra. I turned it off and it turned back on, so this really got my attention. About two minutes later, I see an entire herd of deer in the middle of the road in front of me and I have to stop to avoid hitting them. I’m fairly certain had that map light not turned on, I would have been zoned out and plowed into the deer at 65 mph. I never had a map light turn on by itself before or after that occurrence."


11."We live in a small town and my daughter and I were making a quick trip to get some crickets for her gecko. The store is at the end of the road, about two city blocks from a park. On the way there, the entire length of the park was road construction. It was bad. We sat and sat, there was a traffic director, cones, etc. We got to the pet store and I waited in the car as she ran in to get the crickets. It took less than five minutes. The only way to get home was through the construction and we were complaining about how it sucked...but it was gone. Zero sign of there ever being construction there. She and I are still completely baffled."

orange cones on a road

12."I have a memory in black and white. Just one memory. I was about 8 years old at my grandma's house. My aunt and uncle were there with their son, my cousin, about the same age as me. Me and the cousin were running around the house and playing — normal stuff. We ran into my grandma's room. All of a sudden, the color went out of everything. The world turned black and white. A chill ran all over my body. It was freezing in there."

"Then the cousin grabbed my arm and BIT ME. I shoved him away, really hard. He flew back onto the bed. I ran out of the room screaming. Everything was so strange. I kept blinking my eyes and slowly the color came back to the world. I always think about this and wonder what the hell happened, and if anyone else ever experienced anything like this."


13."My mom and I were driving down a familiar road we usually take. At the stop sign my mother went to turn when we both flinched hard. She, driving, looked at me and we both asked if we just felt something go through us. There were no cars around nothing in street view. To this day, it still gives me chills."

a stop sign against a cloudy sky and bushes
Rose Ungvari / Getty Images/500px

14."My uncle is a pilot and wanted to take me and my grandparents to my cousin’s college graduation when I was 13. We were all waiting at the small airport outside when he touched down on a single-engine four-seater plane. When he landed, I immediately got a gut punch/stomach-dropping feeling. I wasn’t scared of flying, but SOMETHING inside me told me that something was wrong/off. I don’t know if he landed funny or what because nobody else seemed to react the way I did, but I had a very hard time shaking that uneasy feeling."

"We all loaded into the plane and took off. Not even a minute or two passes by and we’re now high above the tree levels when suddenly the engine stalls. I didn’t realize it right away, but again noticed that something was wrong and noticed my uncle was intently focusing on turning the plane around. That’s when I saw the engine had stopped.

In the blink of an eye, we bank hard and start nosediving down. I closed my eyes and said my goodbyes to myself and we all silently went down.

There was a loud crash/noise and I felt my whole body snap forward and back and I saw a flash. Next thing I know I feel like I’m OK and so I open my eyes and see that I’m alive. I very quickly gather my wits about me and check on everyone else and everyone seems to also be alive.

My grandparents are in shock, but responsive and we reach over and swing the door open and get everyone out. We start walking away from the plane and see an ambulance arriving at the same time. People had seen the crash and called 9-1-1.

The entire plane was destroyed, wings snapped off, nose smashed, tail broken, and yet the area we were sitting in was completely intact. My uncle and I were OK, we had a massive bruise later on where the seatbelt had held us, and I had a small headache. My grandpa was fine too and my grandma had like two broken ribs, but was otherwise OK.

Still to this day don’t know how my gut knew something bad was going to happen. The biggest mystery of my life, besides the fact that we survived something catastrophic like that."


15."Many years ago, I was hiking with my family. The place we were at had two trails that were parallel to each other, one higher and one lower by a creek. We were on the lower trail. A kid on the higher trail kept throwing rocks, which triggered a rock slide. There was a large boulder about the size of a medium-sized beach ball roaring down the hill towards us. It was moving so fast that it smelled like gunpowder. My mom and brother turned back and ran, while I ran forward because something told me that if I ran back with them, there wouldn't be enough time for me to not get hit by the boulder. While running out of the way, I got pushed forward by something and fell over, but when I was falling, I saw myself from behind outside of my body. Then, I was back in my body. I still think about this often and still have no explanation for it."

a rock slide blocking half of a dirt path
Jose A. Bernat Bacete / Getty Images

16."One of my brothers and I remember this as clear as day. Our neighbor was watching us as our parents had to leave abruptly. She turned the TV on and started to flip through pages of magazines. My brother said he needed to use the restroom and somehow didn’t come downstairs for a while so I went looking for him. I found him having a conversation with our grandma in the guest bedroom."

"I was surprised to see her because I didn’t know she was visiting us that day. The neighbor called out our names, so we told our grandma that we’d see her later and went downstairs. Our parents had just walked in and the neighbor was telling them what we did that evening and then she left. My brother goes, 'We didn’t even know grandma was home this whole time.' 

Our parents look at us visibly shaken and then they proceed to tell us that they were at the hospital where Grandma passed. I am 38 and my brother is in his 40s. To this day, we swear it was true. We saw our grandma and talked to her at our home while she lay on her deathbed at the hospital. It’s been 30 years since she passed."


17."It was an average Monday, and I had just finished vacuuming the house, where I live alone. I carried the vacuum down the hallway to put it away in the spare bedroom, then grabbed a duster and started dusting. In the spare bedroom's closet, there is a hatch in the ceiling that leads, presumably, to some sort of insulation space. I had lived in the house for only a few months at that point, and there had been some odd occurrences that had made me wonder, jokingly, if there was somebody living up there, crawlspace-style, coming down at night to mess with things."

a spread out deck of cards with a focus on the four of hearts

18."Was driving home one day on a fairly rural two-lane highway. Suddenly, a fireball explodes in mid-air out of nowhere. It was large, like the size of a two-story house. Just a flash of fire in a sphere and then gone without smoke a few seconds later. There were four other cars close enough to have seen it. All of us pulled off the road. Some got out of their cars. I decided it best not to linger and drove away. No idea to this day."


19."My husband and I were coming back home after college and he turned to look into our next-door neighbor's patio. It was piled on the top of the fence with years of junk and garbage. My husband loudly exclaimed that it was a fire hazard. He huffed and started going on about a negligent HOA and how they would hate to have to pay to fix everything. It wasn't something he'd ever brought up before. I had honestly never even thought of it as a fire hazard, just a nuisance. He refused to sleep. ASMR wasn't working. He had intense anxiety all night."

a messy patio of an apartment complex

Did you ever have an inexplicable event happen in your life? Let us know in the comments or you can fill out this anonymous form.

Note: Responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.